Join the Metro Atlanta Black Bourgeois Association

Time is not on our side. Economic certainties of our parents and grandparents generation are no longer viable. Good government jobs, union jobs, management and upper level management jobs in corporate America with benefits and that you can work a lifetime are myths and illusions of a former age and economic dispensation. Urban schools except in rare cases are the pity of supporters of public education. Black America has learned the hard way that celebrity CEO style Superintendents, Standardized tests, government mandates and programs and cantankerous school boards with dynamically oftentimes dysfunctional personalities don’t make a school districts successful; strong families, in strong socio-economic communities with high expectations for students based on community high religious and moral standards. Obama couldn’t fix our schools and truth be told many of African America’s issues, his presidency unwittingly exacerbated.
Good old fashioned middle class values. These are not white values, Black values, Asian values. These are the values that have been demonstrated over many different dynamic and dynastic civilizations and cultures from Egypt and Kush, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley & China to the empires and civilizations of western Europe.