Rapper TI ‘retires’ and Obama ‘bullies’ Black men on behalf of ‘Killa Kam’
The reader may be wonder how these two subjects interrelate. With God’s help this shall be illuminated further. One of the reasons I like great books and thinkers is because they almost force a person to think in ‘other’ terms than the given set proposition and construct. Kierkegaard’s book Either/Or has fascinated me its discussions of the philosophy of aesthetics, tragedy, Greek Epics, Greek Tragedy, poetry, ethics, sorrow etc. Just because I’m fascinated by something doesn’t mean I want to write about it myself; except that I recently read that the Rapper TI, ‘Wild as the Taliban, 9mm in my left .45 in my right hand’, Clifford Tip was retiring from performing. He unceremoniously did so by saying that after the settlement he’s ‘rich’, and thus doesn’t need to perform anymore. Tip said that he now wants to focus on movies and comedy. Did Tip not enjoy rapping? People don’t usually stop a thing they love passionately. Tiger Woods can’t even walk, certainly has the money, and more often than not embarrasses himself at tournaments by being a contemptible shadow of his former self. Quite often he gets eliminated during the first day or so of the tournament. And yet he plays golf religiously and trains as though he were going to participate in the next tournament competitively. Not only that, any opportunity he gets to play with his son Charlie he takes, and say what you will about Tiger’s sense of family values historically, the look on Tiger’s face when Charlie does something well is visceral to any observer. As for ‘Tip’ however, he’d rather be doing something else than ‘sweating and yelling on stage’. Guess what, anyone that is a ‘real’ music afficionado doesn’t want to see you sweating, yelling, and jumping around on stage either. Everyone says Black preachers are full of shit for saying ‘look at your neighbor and tell him something’, but no one judges rappers for yelling ‘everybody make some noise’ and ‘put your hands in the air’ at completely inappropriate, unnecessary or irrelevant times.
Before I discuss the matter further, I must tell the reader of my personal interaction with TI and Tiny. I was at the Campbellton Rd. liquor store handing out religious tracts…just kidding. And in walked Ti and Tiny to purchase some items as well. They were nice, very comfortable with people, who of course wanted to ‘dap him up’ and say ‘what’s up’. Other than that, their physical presentation is about like you would think from seeing them on television, just shorter. And now back to the story of his retirement. TI, unlike Tiger and Muhammad Ali, has no reason to keep ‘performing’. This is the state of post-modern Black Art and artists today. They’d rather be doing something else, perhaps acting, doing stand-up comedy, or doing press conferences about the issue of ‘affordable housing’ with ‘dumb ass Dickens’, the mayor of Atlanta. What could Dickens possible prove by thinking Ti (‘9mm in right .45 in my left hand) has anything substantive to present on the issue of ‘affordable housing’. Apparently, our genius mayor thinks that you can make ‘affordable housing’ or make ‘housing affordable’, simply by building ‘housing’, and putting a sign on it that say ‘Affordable’!
Our generation leaves a lot to be desired compared to the old Blues singers that died more or less on the road. BB King it seems was on tour until the day he died. He wasn’t hard up for money, he was on the best diabetes medication and getting paid by big pharma to promote it. Presumably he loved the music, loved to perform, and loved to work with young musicians that wanted to work with him. That is what artists do. ‘Performers’, simply perform, and when they no longer have to, they stop. It is dangerous to live in a culture where everybody, from teachers, to policemen, to nurses, to rap artists, only did ‘their art’ to make money, and at the very moment they can rationally let it go and still survive at the same level or higher they will. If you have artists, teachers, policeman, nurses, doctors, politicians, that if they won the lotto or a ‘huge’ lawsuit, they would drop whatever they were doing, no matter how noble and relevant to the good of society it was that is not good. For that matter, when you live in a society that people get conned everyday by the idea that they can ‘flip houses’ into prosperity with ‘no money of their own’, do surveys on the internet to make a living, or be a social media influencer, that is not good. That’s how you know the education level in your society and culture is in a depressed state and the sense of social obligation that makes a healthy society function smoothy has ceased to exist. Nobody wants to be a teacher, and they say it’s about money, but the real reason is because our children are so bad!
Mental chain of slavery notification alert!!! A person that behaves like that is virtually a slave. They don’t do what they do out of honor, professionalism, nobility, family legacy, or the art of it; nor out of respect for the history and tradition of it. They do ‘what they do’ simply to make money, and when something else pays more or erases the need to ‘make money’, in that way they will stop. That is not freedom but the opposite of freedom, for one is still being ‘compelled’ to do something by forces that do not spring from within, but without. This is a tragedy. For it means that 164 years after the Civil War, Black culture, art and the Black economy is in a pitiful state, we’re all just slaves, waiting to get turned on to the next thing the White man tells us is the next ‘hot’ thing, whether it’s ‘bitcoin’, flipping houses, reselling bull shit on the internet, or masturbating for your sick, deluded, ‘Only Fans’ on the internet. That is why no Negro is doing what they want to do at a high level, state of the art, we are all flipping houses, doing whatever it takes, doing whatever we are doing now, until we either win the lotto or some other money making idea we saw on a YouTube tutorial gets our attention and our money.
Is there no Black preacher that would say “can’t nobody pay me enough not to do, precisely what I want do and just art start doing what they want me to do, or what they have manipulated me into doing by telling me I’d be a more ‘successful’ person, if I did what they are suggesting is the latest, greatest thing to do. And then to do that, simply motivated by money and the idea of living luxuriously. Is there no African American above this by character, training, or religious devotion? This is why I bemoan the fact Black people don’t have a real aristocracy or aristocratic tradition. We want to say Queen Bey and Oprah, but baby, Queens of any age and type don’t prance around half naked shaking their asses for a living, even a well-paid living. You can’t pay Catherine Princess of Wales, enough to be in a movie naked, no matter how ‘artistic’ you claimed the nudity was. I do not mean any harm, and this is no disrespect to African America, Black women, and the entirety of Negritude, but when you select actors and actresses to make into ‘Queens’, you can damn sure be certain, that you have robbed the concept of queen, of all its implied dignity. Ru Paul and Tyler Perry are honorary ‘Queens’. Your queen is half naked gyrating and twerking at a political rally. Does this make sense on any level?
Oprah is a ‘Queen’ of some sort? Ridiculous, an infantile fantasy for the ignorant and uniformed. In multiple of my books I’ve talked about how Oprah is post-modern ‘Mammy’. If you took ‘Mammy’ out of the antebellum south, and transported her into post-modernity, she would look, act, and feel like ‘Oprah’. The only difference is that post-Civil Rights Movement and Integration, the most successful ‘Mammy’ archetype would be ‘rich’. The only way to retain ‘Mammy’, like retaining the Black athlete (as buck, stallion, beast, physical specimen etc.) in post-modernity is to make them rich; that is to say, pay Negroes exorbitant amounts to behave in a way that allows White mainstream culture to call them bucks, beasts, stallions, whores, and Mammys…to their (our Negro) faces. As long as the Negro is being paid royally, the justification is there to let him or herself be called anything anyone willing to pay them wants to call them, humiliating or not. Finally, I took the time to look at Oprah’s website and it was worse than I thought.
As rich as post-modern Mammy is, why is she obsessed with on her OWN network. Let us look at her line up. Sunday nights has as primetime entertainment in her queendom, 1) at 8pm “Out of Bounds”, described as “a family man vanishes, only to reappear years later. Was it a kidnapping, amnesia, or something else. And a high school honor student’s sexual relationship with a fellow schoolmate lands her in jail.” 2) at 9pm “Captive”, described as “For the first time Amanda Berry and Gina De Jesus, reveal their story of being held hostage by Cleveland school bus driver Ariel Castro. From the moment of capture to years of abuse, glimmers of hope, and a final dash for freedom. It is a story of hope.” 3) at 10pm “Danger Next Door”, described as “encounters with people close to home leads to dangerous, even deadly results. A rape survivor and a murder victim, and the disturbing connection between them. A woman catches a neighbor stalking her, and a college coed murdered by someone she knew. Ladies and gentlemen, every day if filled with these types of ‘entertainment’. What type of Queen puts that on the television in her Queendom for her subjects? What type of citizens is she trying to breed, paranoid schizophrenics? 7 days a week this is prime time in Oprah’s Queendom.
What type of Queen puts on television shows like “Love and Marriage Huntsville”, “Love and Marriage Detroit”, “Love and Marriage DC”, All Single Ladies, Put a Ring on it, Ready to love, when all the shows are filled with drama, and dissensions that hardly make marriage look attractive. They are filled with catty fights and silly expectations about men and marriage that the Black women couldn’t have gotten from their fathers (because they don’t have any). This hardly makes Black women look attractive. And lastly and most importantly, Oprah’s shows can hardly be said to be improving the quality of Black relationships in America as out of wedlock births are around 70%, and marriage and fertility rates are down in the Black community. This is the type of filth our purported ‘Queen’ give us. Church ‘mockumentaries’ like Greenleaf, are mockeries and gross oversimplifications of Black culture, which we tolerate because of course, Mammy should know better.
And lest you think Oprah is some kind of spiritual guru with something real to say, perhaps on Super Soul Sunday, do not delude yourself. Inspirational stories, an hour at a time curated by post-modern Mammy, Oprah Winfrey herself. That is to say many of these people Oprah either considers her friends or believes in their ‘mission’ earnestly. If Mammy is nothing else, she is seemingly earnest about what she believes in. But what does she believe in? Ensconced in the laps of luxury, Queen Mothers don’t sell books, bath salts and self-help drivel. Their responsibilities are far too great for that. Oprah is not the Queen of ‘anything’, and the fact Negritude and White folk quite often refer to her as such, is precisely symbolic of the paralyzing dysfunction and degeneracy in post-modern Black culture. That we would even say such a thing with a straight face as though it were a compliment to either Oprah or us, shows such a low level of self-esteem on the part of Blacks, that we elevate former ‘maids’ and ‘cooks’ to be our leader. Our queen, our leader is post-modern Mammy. This is a fantasy for the ignorant and uninformed. Flipping past Oprah’s OWN network periodically, I see so called reality shows, that if you believed they were actually reality, you’d believe Black women have air like Indian women, eyelashes as long as baby elephants, and argue and catfight all the time. Furthermore, you would see them shamelessly competing for Negro men, who not only have never seen the inside of an institution of higher learning, but cannot see the value in such a thing either, and would thus certainly not pass good educational values to your children. The ‘reality’ of life for the Black women (if one believes such a thing reflects the title, a ‘Reality Show’), is lots of makeup, manicures, pedicures, spa treatments, expensive hair salons, expensive handbags, and shopping. This is what our post-modern Mammy pushes as reality for Black women. This is what Oprah either considers normative, or wants to be considered normative for Black women. Ladies and gentlemen, with leadership like this, Negroes do not need enemies.
This is what passes for ‘art’ and ‘Art in Black America’, and the quality of the political artists isn’t much better. They’d rather be doing something else too. First Warnock was a preacher, in Martin Luther King Jr.’s church no less, but he didn’t love that enough to stick with wholly, preferring instead the trappings of worldly political power. Why the fuck would I be impressed by the first ‘Black” president of the United States or potentially the second. Truly impressive would be the first Black President of the United States of Africa and its overseas (Imperial) Domains and Possessions. The Black man or woman that presided over the economic stabilization and growth of descendants of Africa from the Western Hemisphere, to mainland Africa itself, to southern and southeast Asia, and wielded them into a formidable global empire for peace, love and the revelation of God’s Kingdom on earth would be far more worthy as a Black man or woman than mulatto Obama and mulatto ‘Killa Kam’, even if he or she was a mulatto. If he or she was a mulatto, the nobility of their earnest desire to repair Black peoples spiritual, geopolitical, and economic situation in the world would speak for itself. But these mulattos aren’t interested in that. They want to lead White people and have high positions in the White man’s world, way more than they want to lead ‘us’, and that is the fundamental flaw in this present form of Black leaders who can only get where they are by being approved and affirmed by the White mainstream. Furthermore, the individual would have to be gentle and wise enough, such that other nations, peoples and races do not perceive this Negro development as a threat to their prosperity or security, but that they actually assistant and aid in the process because they see the great good that it is doing to the entire world community…truly ushering in the Messianic age. That would be impressive. Obama and ‘Killa Kam’ are like people running for local dog catchers compared to such an individual. This individual would both embody and personify the genius of the Sons and Daughters of Ham, and it would allow descendants of Africa all over the world to be empowered by their own individual religious, familial, educational, professional, commercial and industrial God given potentials, genius and talents.
But instead of the above, we get ‘nigger’ presidents, like Obama and potentially Harris, and nigger princesses like Meghan Markle that get their ‘Kingdoms’ by being affirmed ‘into action’ by White people. I’m ready for the Negro leaders who rise to power by being affirmed by Negroes, not White folks and/or the international community. That is the basis of building stable democracies and political systems is it not…the consent, approval, and approbation of the masses through voting and the democratic process. White folks picking and switching Negro leaders, a mulatto of the ‘month’, and saying to Black people ‘this is your new beauty queen’, ‘this is your new movie star’, this is your new nigger leader (Obama/Killa Kam) is not the same as building a Black political community and process by the Negroes themselves choosing who is to ‘lead’ them and be the ‘exemplar’ of them and their interests. There is a very great difference in the intrinsic and external outcomes based on those two different modalities; leadership that is affirmed into action by White people, and leadership that is intrinsic to the community and selected by the community itself for affirmation and exaltation to intuitional positions.
This leads us to the idea of Obama’s ridiculous lecture to men in general, but specifically Black men about how they should be more vocal, energetic and excited about voting for ‘Killa Kam’. Obama speculated that they might a problem voting for a woman….
At this point, the obvious question is why on earth would 3 or 4 generations of Black men raised in single parent female led households, NOT be comfortable with a female anything? Obama you went to Harvard, come now? Where do any Black men in these 3 or 4 generations of the generations raised in single parent female households or older Black men that are still alive, NOT run into Black women in all sorts of positions. Indeed, where can a post-modern extant American Black man of ANY age not see female teachers, administrators, policewomen, firewomen, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, etc.? Does Obama have widespread evidence that when there is a female bus driver, Black men get off the bus and refuse to ride? Has Obama and the Harris campaign seen a case of a Black man who was all set up for a loan from Wells Fargo Bank, but did not take the loan being offered because the bank loan officer manager was a woman?
‘Barry’ (Obama before he realized that he could go further by pretending to represent Niggerdom than he could by pretending to be White) went to Harvard and yet he condescends to Black men in such an idiotic way. Think of your personal favorite songs, and where and how you may have been introduced to the songs. While you may have been introduced to the songs, ardent love is completely self-motivated. You can’t browbeat anyone into a ‘love’. If that worked, every child would be a great scholar because of the lectures adults give about the ‘value’ of an education. The problem with that logic is that Black adults (and the wider Black culture) talk about the value of a good education and intellectual pursuits, but the children never see adults read or buy books. The children never see adults talking about great ideas, great thinkers, or great sciences and arts, just eternal rehashes of the local crimes, the local sports stories, who got pregnant by whom, and who in the family got locked up, hit the lotto, or migrated looking for something better only to come back way worse. Yet, what parent or caregiver doesn’t lecture their children about the value of an ‘education’; without wondering why on earth your child should value something that clearly you, everyone around you, and everyone that looks like you don’t value?
Obama has lectured Black men about why we should love ‘Killa Kam’. This is the political version of the ‘let me introduce you to my wife’s cousin, she’s a sweet young lady, y’all will go out on a double date with Michelle and me, proposal’. She’s an AKA, she graduated from Howard, she graduated from Yale Law School, she was District Attorney in San Francisco, she was Attorney General of California, and she was the Vice President of the United States to boot! Meanwhile, bubbling through your mind as merely an associate of Obama, not an actual ‘friend’, is why with all those experiences and achievements, and with that resume, what the fuck does she need me for, and why is she not attractive to men on her level? And why on earth would I be looked at as a potential suitor? The whole thing would seem very suspicious would it not? If she needs me this desperately now, after having never needed me before, now that she is 37 and in such a desperate battle with her biological clock that any remaining relatively mentally healthy heterosexual Negro males from a good home are in the mix? Does she love me, or the opportunities my consummated love would confer in the eyes of others? Even I, her cousin’s husband’s best friend seems like an option (as opposed to men on her level). Only two types of men would not see this as some sort of ‘trap’ being set for them; 1) men with developmental disabilities; 2) men for whom her being rich and powerful is enough to tolerate any negative without being a ‘dealbreaker’, 3) Old men willing to sacrifice their respect, dignity, health, and their children’s inheritance for younger woman.
That is how Black men feel. Of course, there are more salient questions than that (is it a setup). Forgive me for using terms related to contemporary post-modern beauty standards. Yes, she has all those achievements, and yes, she’s related to you by connections, but is she ugly? Is she fat or morbidly obese? Is she missing one or more limbs; has mental problems, just got off the streets and/or drugs and is trying to get herself together and her family feels that a ‘man like you’ could help her? So, you meet your friend’s wife’s cousin, because everyone looks ok in a selfie, and on paper, but when you meet the person all the above negative or ostensibly negative traits are true. Well then you bite your lip and stay with her because of the possible rewards. With a resume like that she has to be going somewhere, and if I go along for the ride with her, I will presumably stand to gain. Note one in the ‘Gamblification of America’.
Indeed, that is the position Black men are in as regards ‘Killa Kam’. Briefly however, let us speak further on Obama, our first Negro (mulatto) American President, Commander in Chief of the ‘Bully Pulpit’. Obama, first Negro to stand in the American White mainstream institutional ‘Bully Pulpit’. But it seems the only people he bullies are Black men. As a sly critique of Black men and Black male behavior he sprinkles his speeches with references to ‘your cousin ray-ray, or boo-boo, all conveniently common Black male nick names. Oh, how Obama takes a stern tone when it comes to Black men. But a White man can stand up while Obama is in ‘his’ Bully Pulpit that the White man affirmed him into action to, and call Obama a liar to his face, nay yell out that he is a liar, in front of the public and all his professional peers in government, with nary a word from Obama. But Obama gets real critical on the Negro male…Target of bully #1.
Oh, let us consider what type of man Obama really is. What is Obama really famous for? Mulatto, Harvard, well spoken, and a slick public speaker. But I want double down on Obama’s reputation for being ‘bright and well spoken’. What a convenient qualitative set. Bright and well spoken. If you were a slave master, you would prefer one that was bright and well spoken; the kind that gets an ass whoopin from master where people can hear him hollering in pain for miles around, but when the police come or anybody asks, says nothing happened, he and master were just playing a game. That is to say, the kind of slave who implicitly knows what to say, to save his own job and his masters. That’s what the White powers that be really mean by calling a Negro, male or female, bright and well spoken. You have to be ‘bright and well spoken’ to have enough sense to protect your own position in the slave hierarchy by protecting your master’s ‘dignity’, with well-spoken and well-reasoned words. The ‘bright’ part means you have a slave that can think. The ‘well-spoken’ part for our beloved Obama has 3 dimensions alluded to that you need to be a successful slave in the elite hierarchy of the White mainstream world.
- He speaks more or less standard English
- He is aesthetically persuasive physically and in terms of communications skills
- He is well spoken in that he is the type of Negro that with that bright mind and persuasive tone will speak the agenda of the White mainstream power structure regardless of its impact, even on his own community.
That is what makes a Negro in Post-Modern White Mainstream America, and many of its incarnations over the past 450 years ‘bright and well spoken’. ‘Killa Kam’ is Obama’s cousin that he wants to introduce us to, minus dimension #2 noted above. Do not get me wrong, ‘Killa Kam’ has definitely increased in stature and an air of presidentialness. The problem is that it is a rise in stature that comes not so much from talent, skill, or charisma, but is like the lotto. The retarded janitor at work that happens to play the lotto, will find himself with a significant rise in stature if it becomes known that he has hit the lotto for a million dollars. Or…perhaps the janitor didn’t hit the lotto, but rather worked for an aging and decrepit boss, who in the process of becoming completely unfit for duty, it became apparent that the retarded janitor was the only remaining logical stable choice to succeed the former boss, who now conveniently has one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel. For that reason, I let people make the ‘Killa Kam’ rise in stature argument, but I know there are many reasons for serendipitous rises in stature.
Kama ‘Killa Kam’, a former prosecutor, is running against a man with 34 felonies, but she cannot take the ‘Law and Order’ High Ground. It would be laughable if it were not so sad. Some of these felony charges against Trump have been thrown out…on the grounds that ‘overzealous Black women’ who stake their entire careers and livelihood on prosecuting Trump for anything smoking, even if it is not a gun. This is though law and order in the cities and districts they represent can hardly be said to be a top priority. And yet for some strange reason, Donald Trump scores more points with the ‘Law and Order’ crowd than ‘Killa Kam’. That says a lot about post-modern America.
All be it on a grander scale, and making use of hyperbole for obvious reasons, it would be as though we rewrote Post-World War II history. What if Hitler didn’t kill himself! The Allies captured him and prosecuted him in court, sentencing him to death. While he was on death row (and not the record label), he was allowed to make public statements. During his freedom of speech mandated sessions of public statements, he said that he was running for President of the European Union during the next election cycle. Then he argued that as a candidate for President of the European Union he could not be prosecuted for any crimes he did while Chancellor of Germany, in perpetuity. Masses of disgruntled Europeans vote for him in primary elections, though not enough to get a clear majority. His supporters say that he is tough on immigration and foreigners, Europe for Europeans. This is backed by the fact that indeed when he was in charge of Germany, the last thing one could say about it, enemies and friends, was that it was welcoming to immigrants from the 2nd and 3rd worlds or ‘social or sexual deviants’. Germany was great then. And when he was in charge of German womanhood, there were no abortions, everybody made babies for the Fatherland. Yes, in those days in Germany and potentially in all of Europe with a Hitler victory for President of the EU, men were men and women were women. There were no White men at the German Olympics with a beard, a thong, a tutu, prancing around like a Negro stripper. Furthermore, like Germany took what it wanted from its neighbors, Hitler as President of the European Union will take back global power and geopolitical resources from degenerate races and nations that dared assert themselves. A Hitler presidency of the European Union would bring back an era where blue eyed and blond-haired Europe was strong again, dominating the seas and skies, and dominating the darkies, and 2nd class White people like Jews and Slavs that should be happy in their second-class roles. Only a Hitler presidency can make Europe Great again; where Europe is the standard of civilization all over the world, and everywhere else but Europe, America and where the White man dominates is a shit hole until White folks come there and take it over. Make America Great Again!
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