Atlanta: Please Don’t Let Bottoms, Dickens, Abrams and Warnock Fool You Pt. 2

Part II

Ladies and gentlemen, what we witness in ‘Slickens and Bottoms’ parlaying the Atlanta ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’ issue into fooling urban Black and White mainstream Atlanta that they are really concerned about ‘Black youth’ and desirous of righting wrongs and injustices. Only because the injustice is speculative and probably being caused by the KKK, rogue racist White police or the illuminati or the same CIA/FBI group that introduced crack to the cities, it is safe to score some perceived ‘cool points’ addressing the ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’ issue. But dealing with the reason exponentially more Black children are dying at the hands of Black children today, currently, is not safe because to address that issue, there are some fundamental assumptions and critiques you have to make of Black people themselves. These are not critiques of fantasy land illuminati White people, the mob, the FBI/CIA, rogue White or Black pedophiles and a diatribe on the effects of what White folks have done to us in the Western Hemisphere for 500 years, and assorted diatribes against global capitalism post-modernism itself (and that would be suicide for Black politicians in the White mainstream world. These are Black people critiquing themselves and saying are our values in the right places. Do we value God, family, education, commerce, and industry or…. other things.

I’m arguing here that even though ‘Slickens and Bottoms’ bodies are in Atlanta presumably concerned about urban nigga problems, their minds and spirits are parlaying for their next gig and if they kiss Joe and Kamala’s ass enough, they might get a real ‘gig’ in the Democratic party machinery where they can stop even pretending like they are representing niggers and simply live their lives of independent wealth and means. Dickens, Bottoms, Abrams, and Warnock are completely irrelevant in this issue of Black youth violence, as important as it is. And we know that if they could prove Whites were killing Black children and somehow responsible, they’d be right down here leading us in protest, but they know damn well it’s niggers doing the killing and thus there is no ‘blame whitey angle’. They do not know what to do politically with that hot potato, so they avoid it completely. Completely! They are out of touch with the urban middle class, working class and the urban poor (proletariat lol). This current crop of Negro elected officials are Democrat Negro talking animals, that they (the White mainstream political elite) stick up in front of us and say, ‘behold your new fearless Negro leader’. The drawback for urban America is that they are ‘feckless’ and not ‘fearless’ and have no more intention of ‘solving’ the problems of urban America or the urban Negro that then man on the moon. No, that’s not the hustle. You didn’t know most bourgeois elites are hustlers too, did you, just like their counterparts from the lowers socio-economic strata of Black America? But the hustle doesn’t revolve around selling dope, prostitution, robbing, thugging and steady mobbing. Naw, it’s a different hustle. The first hustle is graduating from a White institution (economic or academic) and talking at least halfway standard English good. And with a little luck you can parlay that into convincing people (Black and White), less educated than you and without an understanding that there are other choices, that you are indeed their ‘fearless and exalted wise leader’; and that you are genuinely concerned about them and will protest to White people for them to help you, for a small fee.

Then these bourgeois elite hustlers go to their White masters in the democratic and republican party and say, see, I lead the niggers (I’m princess of the niggers and I Meghan will through my podcast liberate generations of young #Blackbrown and #blackgirls, #blackgirlpower, #blackgirlmagic. These are largely mulatto hacks that want to parlay a little education and talent into being a ‘real’ nigger princess….as opposed to ‘princess of the niggers’…which is too hard). Now White mainstream world, Spotify, Netflix, Apple, and any other large White mainstream platform podcast world, give me a job and platform in the White mainstream world and the democratic and republican parties so that I can say that I lead and ‘represent’ the niggers on the strength of my nigger identity. And lead them in the argument that the White mainstream world owes them something. Really? What the fuck kind of leadership is that? Leadership that leads you to a new master and says, ‘he owes you something, you better protest’. And this is why no Black Democrat or Republican ever said to himself, my goal is to create competitive, strong, thriving urban schools, families, cultures and economies. No, that is not what they are selling. They are selling, I’m going to get the White mainstream government and polity to help you. Those are two different leadership strategies and frankly, the present chaos we are living in as Black in urban America is due in large part to the prevalence of the latter in defining what are the expectations for Black politicians and politics in America.

If you ask Keisha, Andre, Stacy and Raphael, Black people don’t need God, fathers in the home and strong families, that might anger our socialist atheist white mainstream LGBTQIA and feminist allies…we need more government and more lucrative government programs and reparations. We don’t need strong extended families to support the schools, and strong local community businesses and industries to provided additional funds and booster support to schools, we need more government programs. That is their strategy and they have made a career off telling Black people that the solution to their problems is holding White folks accountable for what they owe you (presumably because of your ancestor’s ‘service’). If you ask them, they will say the solution is for White public and private schools to import more niggers and have more niggers ‘represented’ in the student body and staff. Whites are ok with that because with one stroke it allows them to both humiliate and underfund urban education to the benefit of their educational institutions, which continue going from strength to strength. Their schools go from strength to strength in that they cream the smartest, fastest running, and best basketball shooting niggers right off the top of the Black community (alienating them in the name of liberating them) and make them run balls for their schools and improve the overall test scores at their schools, and then they can use Black students statistically to tout success of the program and tout their diversity.

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