Atlanta: Please Don’t Let Bottoms, Dickens, Abrams and Warnock Fool You Pt. 1
It is with utter disgust that I watched our Negro former and current mayor(s) pat themselves on the back for their ‘tireless’ work to document, reinvestigate and memorialize the Atlanta 30 to 35 Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children situation from 1979-1981. And yet at the very same time in 2023 there are many Black male and female teens that are murdered, but they aren’t missing and the perpetrators are quite known, that is to say, there is no need for conspiracy theories about the KKK, FBI, CIA, and the same people that introduced ‘crack’ to the Black cities in the 80’s during the same time, because it is the Black children’s own Black and brown peers that are killing them! And yet, even though we have way more facts about the disturbing current trend of nihilistic Black boys than we do the ‘Missing and Murdered Black children 1979-1981’, Dickens and Bottoms treat the current problem like it is Churchills famous description of Russian policy and politics as a ‘riddle, inside a mystery, wrapped in an enigma’. That is, they have nothing to say except ‘we’ve got to do better’ (Bottoms) and ‘this has got to stop’ Dickens. But ask them to speak on LGBTQIA rights and they show up to every parade and every elementary school drag reading hour their handlers can schedule them for. ‘Slickens’ and ‘Bottoms’ make quite definitive statements about the value LGBTQIA persons and rights, but they can’t make one or two definitive statements about the value of our youth and why we shouldn’t treat it like a simple fact of life when they kill each other. And yet they can waste time and money investigating whether the ‘Missing and Murdered Black children 1979-1981’ was caused by, was the CIA, FBI, mob/mafia, KKK, some rogue White sexual predator(s), some rogue Black sexual predator(s), ‘the illuminati’ and/or ‘the elders of the protocols of zion’. As long as they can wax philosophic how justice must be served and use platitudes like saving and loving the children, combined with memorializing the children that died during the ‘Missing and Murdered Black children 1979-1981’, will work fine for Dickens and Bottoms. However, do not expect them to have anything sane, credible, intelligent, practical, or effective regarding the problem with Black teen violence today, that is way greater than the dynamic incurred in the Black community when some random entities killed 30 to 35 during the height of the ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’ incident. How the fuck can it be easier to solve crimes and problems where the children were ‘missing’, than it is when the bodies of our children today are quite ‘found’ and we know the perpetrators because they are our children’s peers? And yet ‘Bottoms and Dickens’ (no pun intended) have nothing to say but ‘this has got to stop’ and ‘we’re better than this’. What the fuck are the citizens of Atlanta paying them for and why is the White mainstream socialist atheist LGBTQIA Democrat party plying them with positions and gifts?
And the real crime lies in the fact that after all the re-investigation and memorialization of the ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’, no one still really knows or agrees on some or all of the facts of the ‘actual’ crimes and the responsibility for them, and this is why ‘Bottoms’ and ‘Slickens’ can delude themselves (and the Black community in Atlanta) and pat themselves on the back for wasting more money between 2019-2023 than was wasted in the entirety of the effort to blame everything on Wayne Williams and close the case and that chapter in Atlanta’s ‘City to Busy to Hate’ life. If you remember, the whole case hinged on the famous ‘carpet fibers’. If it weren’t so sad, it would be laughable. Where is Columbo, where is Monk, where is Will Trent, where are the other investigative neurotics and retarded geniuses like ‘the good doctor’, where is Mrs. Maple, where is Agatha Christie, where is Poirot, where is Nancy Drew and the Scooby gang (somewhere having existential breakdowns and sexually experimenting) when we niggers need them to solve the Atlanta ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’ and if they have any spare time in such an endeavor, can they please tell us what we can do about our wild ass children in 2023 besides police and legalism enforced curfews; which have the intended or unintended effect of further criminalizing our children.
But let us continue my bizarre metaphor. Where is the character Samuel Jackson played in Pulp Fiction, how the fuck could he see some kids do some crazy shit and not speak the fuck up? Where are Kerri Washington super smart investigative public relations genius negress and Shonda Rhymes? Sure they can solve the ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’ and solve our current 2019-2023 ‘not at all missing but quite murdered’ teen mystery of why our children are behaving as such? But oh yes, the only way Kerri Washington’s character in ‘Scandal’ would have solved either crime would be in the context of there being some rich and powerful White man that had to be fucked in order to solve the crime. Then she would have been ‘point on’, however those circumstances notwithstanding, this is what we get from Black leadership and the arts community. Where is Tyler Perry and Alex Cross? Where is Madea in our present crisis? To let Tyler Perry tell us, which is the same story he has been telling us for 40 years, all Madea needs to do to solve the problem with ‘these bad ass kids’ is smoke some weed and talk trash to our children and threaten to and actually beat them every other sentence out of your mouth….Clearly, that is not working, as I think that style of child rearing is already more popular in Black communities than it is in the communities of others, unless they are just as poor, just as ignorant and/or just as Black and brown as us.
There are other tragedies of this Andre Dickens, Keisha Lance Bottoms public relations and public common-sense fiasco. At the same time we are bitching and moaning about the conspiracy theories surrounding and the memorializing of the ‘Missing and Murdered Black Children 1979-1981’, every day in Atlanta and urban centers all across America we are still producing murdered children, and it ain’t no damn White conspiracy theory how are children are dying, for they are dying at the hands of their gun toting Black and brown peers! We know the accused and the culprits and unlike their more favored White and Cream-colored criminals, don’t know how to hide their crimes as good and make their crimes even more obvious. It seems in such regards they tend to trust numbers more than skill and dexterity when it comes to smash and grab, car burglaries and break ins, and other random acts of chaos and violence etc.
And in such a context all Keisha and Andre have to say is stupid ass shit like ‘we’re better than this’ (when clearly, we are not) and, ‘This has got to stop’ (when clearly it doesn’t and that is why it is not stopping, and senseless youth and young adult violence is getting worse.
Worse still, all they have to claim they are doing something about the Black youth nihilism, crime and violence is curfews; further criminalizing children you know damn well don’t need further criminalization. But these part time Negro intellectuals, are full time players and parlayers, flipping Black people’s problems into fancy positions in the Democrat and Republican parties. So with absolutely no creativity, no reliance on the Atlanta University Center, Georgia State, the Black Church and the Black bourgeoisie, you do the same thing White folks do to get tough on crime, and crackdown on your children in a way if White folks were doing it, you’d call it racist. But ‘Dickens’ and ‘Bottoms’ (here again, no pun intended), can do the same idiotic old crack down on crime, White policy out of ignorance and a lack of creative ideas as to how to really solve the problem. And what complicates this is that if God, traditional values and families, fathers in the home, strong nuclear and extended families are the solutions, but our Black Democrat politicians are wedded to socialist, atheist, LGBTQIA policies that is why they must support and try everything but strengthening traditional families. The truth of what needs to be done to help urban Black communities is strengthen Black families, but out of ‘Dickens’ and ‘Bottoms’ loyalty to their real constituents, the White mainstream Democrat socialist atheist LGBTQIA agenda driven party, the urban poor and largely working class Black city ‘Dickens’ and ‘Bottoms’ claim to represent is suffering, so they can rise and get big time fancy jobs and titles in Biden/Harris administration and the Democrat party higher offices.
As this ridiculous level of violence is going on daily in urban American and largely African American communities, we hear silence, crickets and frogs from Stacy Abrams and Raphael Warnock, who told us as niggers, they needed our support because they could solve niggas and White people’s problems (running for statewide office). But ironically (counterintuitively speaking), they can’t solve Black people’s problems, even to the magnitude of our babies and children killing our babies and children (the supreme absurdity in a civilized people’s life). I have a hard time believing Stacy Abrams and Raphael Warnock can fix White people’s and America in general’s problems too, even though I guarantee you the both of them are positioning and parlaying themselves in Democrat party to run for even higher (hire) offices than they presently hold. And as much as I hate to say it, Trump was right about Elijah Cummings and John Lewis. During their late careers they were busy as shit attacking Trump and everything Trump was about and did. Meanwhile their ‘shit hole’ districts (and the only thing that would preclude them from having wholly shit hole districts is the fact there are Whites, others and middle-class Blacks in some of it), were and are more violent, poorer, more dependent on government, than when they inherited their districts and when they died. That’s a hell of a legacy isn’t it; along with the legacy of MLK Jr that you can go in any urban area in America on MLK and the likelihood is that it is a shit hole, and 5 steps away from Haiti is likely too. As is the likelihood that any school in a Black community called MLK Jr., is a shit hole of poor performance too.
Black liberals and the White LGBTQIA feminist socialist atheists that support them, that honor and memorialize our great Civil Rights era figures like Elijah Cummings and John Lewis and are only too happy to build them statues and monuments, wouldn’t dare live in John Lewis or Elijah Cummings Districts or send their children to public schools in Elijah Cummings and John Lewis districts. That is, notwithstanding my earlier comment (and the only thing that would preclude them from having a wholly shit hole districts is the fact there are Whites, others and middle-class Blacks in some of it). Other than that, they wouldn’t dare. The White mainstream socialist atheist Democrat LGBTQIA party is all too happy to tell minority women that abortion helps them financially and in terms of freedom, but the kids they have they wouldn’t let play with yours, like Beyoncé and Jay Z avoiding ‘playdates’ with Kanye and Kim even though the latter greatly desired such a thing. Jay Z and Queen Bey would love for Blue Ivy et al to have been friends (age notwithstanding) with Malia and Sasha Obama, but we all have standards don’t we, and your White liberal friends would be happy to have a transgender woman read story time to your children, but that same White transgender woman, an adoptive parent, wouldn’t let their children play with yours regularly. I’m just telling these Black liberals who have risen high in the Democratic party that those you think are your friends aren’t as wedded to you as you think, politically or ideologically; and I hope it doesn’t hurt your feelings too bad when they shit on you and let you go.
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