Why does anyone care what Kanye West does?
Why does anyone care what an insane lunatic is doing in his love life…except said lunatic has tons of money and that transforms his foibles, idiosyncrasies and downright criminal impulses into exoticism and eccentricism. For the rest of us it just lands you in jail, dead, broke and in an institution…not exotic. I am told Kanye is recruiting homeless people for his next fashion show. Actually I think that is a great idea Kanye because it highlights my point that no one calls homeless people exotic or eccentric and thereby worthy of social media interest or any other kind of interest (unless they are dressed in Kanye’s unique brand of homeless chic). But if you are rich your foibles, idiosyncrasies, character flaws and downright criminal impulses get transformed into exoticism and eccentrism; like Kanye West’s.
Society does not have time to turn around before Kanye wants to lead something; claim he is better than Beethoven or the Beatles; be president; lead a religious movement; lead White women into gross overconfidence about themselves and their atttractiveness…no wait, he really is a leader in that last one. He wants to tell everybody in the world what they should be doing and thinking. No Ye’ you not Jesus or like Jesus (for that matter neither am I or anybody).
Jesus lived a life where his followers are encouraged to follow Jesus, that is to say act like him, act like he would….God forbid that anyone would ever encourage their children to act like Kanye (prodigious talent or not). He has singlehandedly turned a White woman into a female deity worthy of some kind Greco-Roman sex cult and fetish cult sacrificing at her altar everything he is and thinks is beautiful and valuable.
Does anyone feel encouraged to make a model of Kanye’s life. Would he encourage his children to show up at award shows full of liquor and run on stage to disrespect the whole event and the actual winners with critiques of the award process. Would he encourage his children or followers to insult generations of slaves, who slaved for the same reason people work minimum wage jobs. Survival, as humiliating as it may be is still better than not surviving. So in one fell swoop Kanye insulted slaves and Karl Marx’s lumpen proletariat. That’s damn near everybody right….follow Kanye.
Kanye isn’t the only celebrity to end up in the psych ward but he is one of the rare ones to claim he’s a fashion designer, flying car aficionado, preacher, prophet and run for president all in the same year. Kanye is probably one of the few celebrities as well to meet the president elect (Donald Trump), 2 to 3 weeks after he got out of the psych ward. Watching Kanye unravel in public like this, I wonder if White folk and the media aren’t doing this on purpose. Lets follow the money.
Who benefits from weak emasculated Black men who are White women obsessed? Who benefits from public Black men so absurd they should be ignored but instead are feted because they are Black men and it would be wrong to dismiss any auto-executed version of Black masculinity even if it is self destructive? Who, White liberals and conservatives, feminists-womanists and the transgender community that’s who. That’s quite an array isn’t it. Do fishermen lament when there is less competition at the lake or ocean spot? I’ve been debating all my life and the easiest debates are when the opposing side is literally crazy and you can thus dismiss everything they say and mock your opponent for being simple minded.
We descendants of Africa in the Caribbean, N and S America and Asia for some bizarre reason (noted above) are being told that Kanye is some kind of Negro leader or Negro representative….a bi-polar Black man fueled by paranoia and obsessive ignorance is supposed or purported to represent cultural and political leadership in and for Black people generally and younger generations of Black youth and young adults.
Let’s go back through a montage of Kanye’s bi-polar episodes over the years. Remember when he said with a straight face “George Bush hates Black people?” How do you even recover from that kind of stupidity in your public persona except that some people in high places (noted above) are capitalizing on it? He’s better than Beethoven? Does Kanye expect us to take it seriously when he purports that he’s better than Beethoven? Do we not dismiss all of these kinds of arguments simply by saying it’s ‘apples and oranges’ or that it is a waste of time quibbling over semantics? What does better mean? Better for what? Better for who? Better for when, etc ad infinitum. But no Kanye wants to claim a universal 360 degrees of his betterness than Beethoven.
Have the greatest artists in human history simply dismissed what came before them as a general rule or is it not true that more often than not they express themselves and their own careers as standing on the shoulders of what came before them. But there is Kanye, masturbating his ego like a muthafuckin monkey at the zoo sitting in front of the plate glass observation window jacking his dick and enjoying it with glee for the delight of men, women and children.
In whose interest is it to have an out of control bi-polar Black man not only on the loose but championed as a Negro artistic, social, political and fashion leader (see note above)? That is a question we Negro men should well reflect on as we wonder who stands to gain from continually putting up ignorant insane Black men and making cultural heroes out of them. I said it earlier, who but feminists, womanists and the transgender community, white conservatives and white liberals. And I will repeat, do fishermen, fisherwomen and transfishermen and transfisherwomen ever complain when there is no competition on the lake? Or when you fish for real, but an insane other fisherperson is out there fishing with his hands while you are using the latest sonar equipment, reels and rods and have a better boat. You have a better boat not because it was more expensive, but because you outfitted it professionally with sonar, trolling motors, Trot lines and nets, not like a fishing boat/party yacht. You won’t complain will you fisherpersons of the rainbow?
Who stands to gain from Kanye running around proclaiming himself the definition of Black manhood and then White folk, feminists/womanists/gay/trans community et al (noted above) taking him seriously even though they know damn well that shit bat shit crazy! Apparently the only people who don’t know that it’s crazy are the people (noted above) with their own interests in the matter (fisher people). They are taking advantage of these types of definitions of Black masculinity to trivialize us, ignore us, mock us and demonize us as Black men.
Who gains? Is it our boys, teens and young men, unmarried baby daddy’s that consider fatherhood sending checks and going to the movies and McDonalds twice a month as opposed to reading with and to the child everyday, making sure the child has a decent diet and making sure the child has home training and is thus trainable when they get into the school system? Who is gaining from such insane and completely unintellectual notions of Black manhood?
Is it our boys, teens and young men that gain when Billy Porter and Ru Paul are held up as credible definitions of Black masculinity? Let me state here that I’m not arguing they don’t have the right to consider themselves so and should and that is their prerogative. The question I ask is who stands to gain from such an interpretation of Black manhood? You know the answer?
And the feminists/womanists roar and howl about toxic masculinity and then walk right out and create and promote their own versions of masculinity which they presume to be better than our antiquated notions of masculinity but are in fact equally as toxic or more toxic. Alcohol is toxic but I don’t hear feminists and womanists complaining about it to such an extent that they want no parts of the ‘alcohol-o-garchy’ (as in patriarchy). Furthermore it is also well known that much make up and fingernail polish, perms and chemical relaxers are toxic but I don’t hear feminists and womanists complaining about it to the point they want no parts of the ‘beautification-atriarchy’.
Do feminists, womanists and the transgender movement ever think to absolve themselves from global capitalism and the global economy the way they seem intent on absolving themselves on the necessity of men and the benefits of positive male images and character traits? Not ‘wacko-jacko’ representations of Black masculinity. How many steps do you really believe Kanye is from hanging one of his children off of a hotel balcony for the cameras a la Michael Jackson? Having asked yourself that question, how do you think Kim or her attorneys would answer that question? Kanye is crashing birthday parties, threatening her current boyfriend (a perceived frail White boy) and reanimating discussions of his wife’s old sex tapes. Ray J’s reaction to the sex tape part II was priceless. Ray J said “keep me out of it.” This is the mother of Kanye’s children and Kanye is doing this publicly knowing full well his daughter has a presence on social media. Oh yea, remember that proposed album cover Kanye had where he had Ray J, Taylor Swift, Kim K and many other people in a painting of them all clothed by the sheets but assumed to be butt assed naked in the bed together. Remember that other proposed album cover where he had a picture of the doctor in Mexico or some Latin American country that was the attending surgeon when his mother died. What is altogether worse, Kanye said he was doing this in order to prove that he was over his mother’s death and held no bad feelings towards the doctor (like he used to).
And now just recently Kanye has announced that he will have new music coming out in 2022. Remember ‘Donda’, the back and forth postponed and rescheduled listening parties and release dates? Imagine the massive ego involved in Kanye have the listening sessions in arenas…..as though his music was that important. The nigga is so arrogant and self-absorbed that when the listening party was in Atlanta he sent 6000 tickets to Spelman and Morehouse. Who told him his behaviors are even appropriate for young impressionable minds?
Part II Quadrille in D Minor on Feminism & Womanism
My take on the whole sexuality debates is quite frankly this: why would we give up on the greatest team in human history, ape history and mammal history. A Black African descended man and a Black African Descended woman and a collection of Black men and Black women can and did walk from Africa to Eurasia Japan and Australia, Polynesia and SE Asia in waves inter-generationally. Black men and Black women, go to these far flung regions of the earth and adjust to the climate, the conditions, the diet, the abundance of somethings and the lacks in others over time; and go on to create all the races of man based on the site specific. The lack of sun made Africans in indo-Europe and Scandinavia white, blond to absorb more light from sun. If you traveled on plains and savannahs long strides and long legs, the same things we associate with why Kenyan and Ethiopian runners fare so well in distance running. The same exact long legs and height don’t help you in the forest, jungle or in mountainous terrain and natural selection puts on other pressures all in creating the range of humanity we see today…but ladies and gentlemen a Black man and a Black woman were the foundation of it. I’m not going to sit here and pretend to you that gayness didn’t exist and doesn’t exist in our ape ancestors or mammals in general. I am going to argue to you that for hundreds of thousands of years, evolution itself was dependent upon Men and Women for there was no invitro fertilization. I will make the argument myself that adoption and surrogacy to some extent probably always has existed and existed since before our ape ancestors. It is quite common to see in mammals cross species adoption of the young. But the way we inherited from our mammal, ape and early hominid ancestors was quite simply sexual reproduction and everybody alive owes their existence to it, except quite a minority in human history.
We, those of us in existence right now are the benefactors of that great teamwork between Black men and Black women some let us say 300,000 years ago from the beginnings of African Humanoid development. To go further, we were in shall we say 500,000 to 1,000,000 years of great ape development and 1,000,000 to 500,000 of mammalian development. Which is to say that these were the types of mammalians around that time that later evolved into apes and then our ancestors. Since then the teamwork involved between males and females in small and medium social groups has been integral to human survival. And now we are told we need to abandon it in the name of what? Technological solutions to our depravities? Freedom?
Why would we want to abandon the most successful team in human, ape and mammalian history…en masse…in the name of ‘freedom’? I have heard strange things in the annals of man. Is there a technology available, porn available that supplants the reality that if you make it do what it do with a physical person of the opposite sex there is a likelihood you get a baby? Whatever the fuck everybody else is doing they ain’t doing that? That don’t mean I’m telling them they shouldn’t do it but can you equate the consequences of gay sex with the consequence of “natural sex” between physical opposite sexualities. Are the consequences the same? Lia may be able to take enough female hormones to swim at a mutha fuckin swim meet as a woman but even the White man (who can tell you if you’re lying, tell you who your daddy is or isn’t and can fly you to space) can’t pump him full of enough hormones to make him grow a pussy, get fucked and have a baby. White folk haven’t invented that many hormones yet??????
And what modernity has taught us is that chaos has always existed; its disintegrative powers should always be feared in every dispensation. no society is immune from it. Because freedom makes so much sense right…until the crime rate skyrockets, social, media and entertainment culture becomes a trashcan of human values instead of a receptacle for what Paul characterized as the most noble and beautiful, and peaceful and loving things about us as humanity and the implications therefrom from an association with God, faith, religion and piety. Against some things there is no law and those are precisely the kinds of things we should be doing. Woe to this age in America where we triumphed over our external enemies only to lose it fighting amongst ourselves; race, class, sexual orientation(s), religion, everybody at each other’s throats harping on some sin the other did from years back that needs some kind of personal and or State retribution and punishment. Russian, Chinese and North Korean cyberwarfare plays on these divisions in American society and the whole Trump phenomena may be a Russian program. Can you put it past Putin, a former KGB officer to do such a thing? Is it a magic coincidence Trump’s wife Ivana was from communist controlled central Europe Czechoslovakia and so is his current wife Melania grow up in Slovenia then part of communist Yugoslavia. Follow the money!
Woe to this age where we can’t get enough bus drivers to take our children to school but their parents can be posting lifestyle videos with pretty homes and cars and YouTube videos 10 hours a day trying to be social media influencers. Woe to this age where an American would just as soon flip houses as teach the youth of this nation, police this nation, take up the honor of public bureaucratic office in this nation in municipal and country trust! They’d just as soon file a disability claim than do any of that for this nation if the possibilities presented themselves.
Commercial after commercial encourages us that thank God we got hit by a semi and survived long enough because some lawyer is going to get you big settlement (and take over half of it) in America. let us follow the money again. Who has a motive for degrading the legal system and the legal profession. They spend a fortune on commercials and ain’t nobody doing no stop the violence commercials though. Annie, Tommy and Uzi get your guns and ammo to protect yourself and your interests. that’s the message not peace and love and unity as Americans. Where are the fans of Martin Luther King and the lovers of non-violence, not just as a poltical or revolutinary strategy but as entire life 360 degree strategy. Who is teaching that? Where is the Black church and it’s great legacy of sustaining slaves, educating former slaves, being the basis of pride and dignity in the Jim Crow/Black Codes era and giving us the leading personalities of the Civil Rights Movement? Whose interest is it in to promote such ideas that work against family and the sexual evolution and development we inherited from over a million years of mammalian, ape and humanoid development?
Watch and pray saints, watch and pray! Oh how it seems we are lost in downward spiral of prosperity in the midst of chaos. How is this? yeah you preach prosperity health and wellness in a pandemic. But we all got on masks like we sick trying to not be sick. Saved to be sick? This cold hard rational world. A world where you can’t afford to be stupid that America has created. You can’t answer the phone because the person on the other end is a hustler. You can’t trust the beggar on the street because thats his 9 to 5 and after watching you notice how much he actually seems to be getting per hour begging. This cold hard brutal rational world, where family has been reduced to an unnecessary social, economic and sexual category as a opposed to the by product 1,000,000 years of mammalian, ape and humanoid evolution. Indeed, this is a cold world where you can’t afford to be stupid…
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