It’s Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday again 2022 (Do u have your ticket to the MLK Jr. Day parade and afterparty) & the world premier of ‘Space niggas’ & ‘Gretta Thunberg in space’
It’s MLK Jr.’s birthday 2022. I’m so excited, ‘Marty King’ said not to celebrate his daddy’s birthday without making the White mainstream American government pass the Voting Rights Act legislation. Dexter King was somewhere celebrating with his White wife and mulatto children on a Malibu beach living his father’s real dream (living in an exclusive White neighborhood, gullible White women and money in no particular order). Meanwhile the slaughter of the innocents continues. Black on Black crime spirals head over heels as White mainstream liberals are perfectly willing to acknowledge ‘Black Lives Matter’ but it seems many young Black people are not.
In more refined circles, all day long here in Atlanta on MLK JR day public TV channel 8 has been running British historical mysteries and dramas. All day on Oprah they have what I call ‘nigga shit’ entertainment; self help, judge shows and Black shows like ‘The Kings’, ‘Love and Marriage: Huntsville’, ‘Queen Sugar’, ‘Haves and Have nots’, ‘David Makes Man’ (when did Oprah get in the man making business?), ‘Real Estate Agents of Atlanta’, etc.
These shows are really all the same; formulaic rehashing’s of dramas the Oprah-Tyler Perry machine should be ashamed of. It is one thing to protest the lack of diversity in Hollywood and entertainment, it is quite another to get into positions of power in Hollywood only to trot out the same Negro stereotypes and tropes you claimed the White man stuck you with over and over and that were limiting you! Nary a show producer (Oprah or Tyler) produces innovative or creative television and movies. Nearly all they produce are rehashing’s of the same old Negro stereotypes….loud aggressive women, sexually obsessed immature untrustworthy men and ostentatious displays of conspicuous consumption.
Surprise me Oprah, Tyler and Lee Daniels, do nigger science fiction…maybe ‘Niggers in Space’ or as Dave Chapelle said ‘Space Niggas’; only with the Oprah/Tyler/Lee Daniels treatment it devolves into ‘Madea in Space’, ‘Arguing Black Women from the planet Omarozazon I’, ‘Growing up Hip-hop’ in the Outer Rim Planets. Real Housewives of Atlanta ‘in space’. Surprise us, restage the Color Purple for the 10th time ‘whydoncha’ but in outer space, like in another galaxy, surprise us Oprah and Tyler.
We nigger directors and producers don’t have time for aliens and exotic worlds with exotic alien cultures do we. But we’ll make time to argue with each other, bitch, moan and complain, protest and worry about what somebody owes you. ‘Niggers in Space’ aka ‘Space Niggas’ would be like the ‘Cutler Couples Court’ in space, Intergalactic Paternity Court ‘in Space’, ‘Dr. Phil’ in space and ‘Iyanla Vanzant’ in space exporting the most ridiculous aspects of American culture and ‘niggerdom’ all over the broadcast entertainment galaxies. I can see it now….’Niggers in Space’ aka ‘Space Niggas’.
‘Variations on a theme: Fugue’
The amazing thing is that the forerunner to such a series of trilogies as ‘Niggers in Space’ aka ‘Space Niggas’, it’s second spinoff ‘Greta Thunberg ‘in Space’; (presumably to get mainstream liberal audiences) and the third spinoff ‘Mulattos in space’ already exists. In the Star Wars movie franchise, should it be any other than that the actor that encouraged generations of Black people to drink Colt 45 Malt Liquor and played countless pimps, thugs, hustlers, Romeos and Lotharios before his role as Lando Calrissian in Star Wars, be anything other than a character in the Star Wars series who is a pimp, thug, hustler and gambler ‘in space’ at his infamous ‘Cloud City’ and the only thing that saved his character (literally) and his life was his encounter with ‘White Holiness’ and ‘White saving grace’ in the form of Luke, Leiea, Han, Chewbacca and the Jedi religion.
The only real nigga in the Star Wars film franchise runs an intergalactic Las Vegas/orbiting Cruise ship/Floating Red light district/open atmosphere (as opposed to open air) drug market called ‘Cloud City’! What does the ‘Cloud’ stand for ‘weed smoke’? It’s got to be more powerful than weed to be intergalactic dope! Somewhere on an alien planet there is a society in the outer rim that puts the equivalent of 80 proof liquor in their baby formula and all children’s candies or candies at all have psychoactive drugs in them to varying degrees. We are already on the path towards that by giving children Ritalin and other psychoactive drugs at younger and younger ages with the presumption and understanding that they will be on these drugs for the rest of their lives. And this is with the full understanding that if they don’t take the ‘medication’ in the prescribed way the side effects are worse than the original disease. The solution to hyperactivity is not taking a drug that if you miss taking it a few days, the side effect is suicidal feelings and behaviors.
As for Lando, it is presumed what happens on ‘Cloud City’ stays in ‘Cloud City’. One can go to ‘Space nigga’ Lando’s to imbibe illicit substances and intoxicants, go broke and indulge in sexual escapades and fantasies. Since Malcolm X was Malcolm ‘Red’ Little this has been ‘nigga shit’ and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised the writer of Star Wars knew ‘de rigour’ for nigga life in America and that Black men (let alone Billy Dee Williams) would be happy to play a character like Lando.
‘Nigga’s in Space aka Space Niggas’….that should be right up Oprah and Tyler Perry’s alley. Oprah could even take an ass whooping like she did in the Color Purple for standing up for her rights….but ‘in space’! Sofia will not be treated like a regular wench with a little talent, elevated to the heroic; no Sophia is now heroic. The women of Brewster place in space.
And for consistencies sake let’s add the movie ‘Precious’ and ‘Boys n the hood’ set in space to our analysis. Dave Chapelle didn’t know how interesting the ‘space Jews’ joke was in juxtaposing ‘Space Niggas’ with it. ‘Power’ ‘in space’, ‘Get rich or Die Trying’ but set ‘in space’; ‘Empire’ in space. ‘The Jefferson’s’ ‘in space’…moving on up in alien world’s elite circles and calling it nigger progress.
And for the denouement of the ‘Niggers in Space aka Space Niggas’ series, the greatest crime in human 20th century African diaspora politics; the Obamas ‘in Space’….while Chicago burns in record levels of largely Black on Black violence…but we niggers in the outer rim planets are proud of Obama who is president of the former master/slave colony on niggerdom in the Alpha-Biturbi galactic nebula where we happened to be slaves less than 5 generations ago. Is it a blessing to be the first nigga president of a country built on the master/slave dynamic and polarity? That is the central question in ‘political niggas in space that experience success in the mainstream White worlds’.
He can party with John Legend, Jay Z and Beyonce on planet Token for his birthday as every major urban center in space with a poverty and family instability rate of proportionate excess is seething and awash in a kind of Black on Black violence that is incomparable and unimaginable to pre-integration Black people. Yes, as alluded to in the Malcolm X reference, we’ve always preyed on each other (there is no one else to really prey on) but it’s never been perceived the norm or normal Black behavior!
But for the first time in American history, 50 years after Martin Luther King Jr and integration it is acceptable in post-modern mainstream Black culture (which has been defined by the ghetto and urban hip-hop values) to prey on one another; to devalue one another and specifically Black women as sexual objects and not worthy of family; to sell one another drugs proudly; to kill one another over personal petty differences and slights; and to even pimp and prostitute our children.
Could you have explained to MLK Jr that this would be the price of progress; the exodus of the Black middle classes and socio-economic elites from Black communities; absurd levels of black on Black violence; underperforming schools; underperforming urban bureaucracies and municipalities; and what is altogether worse a political environment where White people and mainstream America define us all as wild eyed socialists and libertines; our church corrupted by the political demands of the atheistic, materialist and nihilistic post-feminist, post-gay and post Roe V Wade revolution world. The problem is not that White folk define us that way or any other way, the problem I’m afraid is that we seem to take pleasure in defining ourselves in terms of a liberal post-modernity we did not create nor is that brand of social liberalism useful to our struggle. I’m not against legal abortion I just believe it’s a hearts and minds issue not a legal issue.
I am not arguing right or wrong, I’m simply calculating the costs of the Civil Rights movement. Now with 30 years of all this talk of integration and presumed affirmative action and set asides and right or wrong the White blowback has been a mutha! From the rise of Trump to the rise of militias, right wing militias, Buckhead separation, to the rise of a Republican Party that defines itself by and scores points with its base by ironically encouraging anything that takes race into account in order to oppose the perception of sympathy towards Blacks.
Could you have explained to MLK Jr what the current state of Black affairs would look like today…then. Could you have told him that Obama would come and go and apparently all it did was piss White folk off all the more. We certainly aren’t any better off than we were when the Obamas got there. Yeah, thanks Obama for the hollow victory. Not a nigger gained anything but you and Michelle, Jay Z, John Legend and Christie Tiegen. And while I usually take care not to make an issue out of people’s children…will Sasha and Malia date anything other than White frat boys?
Can you tell Rosa Parks thanks and guess what, 67 years after your heroic risk in 1955 no one will want to ride public transit no matter what seat they can sit in because it won’t protect them from crime and criminality, often associated with urban centers with large numbers of young Black males. Explain that to her in the moments before she risks an ass whooping to stand up for niggers right to ride public transit in any seat they like.
Could you have told Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter Gault in 1961 when they risked their young Negroid lives to integrate UGA that 59 years later not only would Asians and immigrant children outnumber the American Negro masses they represent at the University of Georgia, but Asians and immigrants would own every gas station in their own old communities. And adding insult to injury (literally), the colored athletes so feted and welcomed by the majority elite White large colleges and universities that market them and their talents do not usually take advantage of the full range of academic services these large White mainstream colleges provide. That is to say, these Negro athletes are there to play football and basketball at the highest level possible not……as it were…study nuclear physics or medicine. Sports physics and sports medicine perhaps but even that is a stretch in my vivid ‘Space Niggas’ imagination.
Let me close ruggedly and on this wise as MLK’s birthday ’22 resonated along with the death of Sidney Poitier. Ah, let us see more ‘Niggas in Space’ and ‘Space Niggas’. I imagine Tyler Perry and Oprah could put all of Sidney Poitier’s characters in space but instead of White people and white systemic racism holding niggers back and that the negro must confront, the Negro has to teach some kind of alien race to sing gospel music with feeling like we niggas on earth. It would be the ‘Lilies of the Field’ episodic installment of ‘Niggers in Space’. Instead of telling White folk his name is Mr. Tibbs and he will slap you back, he has to slap some alien race species. This is the ‘In the heat of the night’ episodic installment of ‘Niggers in Space’! Instead of teaching White kids at an urban school in London respect’, Tyler and Oprah could make some alien race’s youth respect niggerdom and nigger authority. That would be the ‘To Sir with Love’ episode of ‘Space Niggers’.
And instead of dating and marrying within his species, ‘Space Nigger Sidney Poitier’ wants to marry an alien woman he is assuming is a compatible female-ish species. He is assuming if it looks feminine, sounds feminine and walks feminine it must be feminine ergo he ended up falling in love with an alien. Only he’s in for some surprises (in the interest of entertainment and fairness some pleasant, some not so pleasant surprises) because that logic doesn’t work on earth anymore let alone anywhere else. But God is love right and thus all love must be acceptable to him? ‘Nigga liberals in Space’!
‘Space Nigger Sidney Poitier’ in Guess who’s coming to dinner ‘, in the ‘niggers in space’ episode, tells his humanoid father that he is marrying an alien and his father expresses concerns that it might not be a good idea. ‘Space nigga Sidney Poitier’ tells him ‘Dad, you look at me as just a Black man and I am that, but I don’t just see myself as a Black man I see myself as a ‘universal being’ in love with another ‘universal being’. ‘Nigger liberals in space’!
Part II Greta Thunburg in space
I’m reminded of when Donald Trump told Greta Thunberg she was too uptight and needed to go the movies….the implication being go on a date, hang out with your friends and do things normal teenage girls would do and quit worrying about grown folks business like the environment. My understanding is that she is autistic. So the idiocy and abrasiveness of Donald Trump, with no love for her was a crime against Greta and teenaged girls who apparently have a hard enough time as it is navigating Fakebook, Instagram and Twitter. Why in the hell is Donald Trump, the President of the United States trolling 14 year old girls? What makes the situation altogether worse is that it is entirely possible a grown man fatherly figure could or should ‘out of filial love’ tell Greta that she needs to loosen up, date a little boy or two and hang out with friends at the mall. That could possibly be good advice to the young lady. But that possibility will never get explored (excepting in my episodic installment) of ‘Niggers in Space’ where Greta gets an alien ‘boyfriend’ (as in Sidney’s case we really don’t know what sex it is but the producers are arguing it’s close enough)….because God would naturally love ALL love wouldn’t he. I am not sure but I find it very rare indeed that anybody loves ALL forms of everything and anything. I like food, as matter of fact I’m obsessed with it but save the cottage cheese. Many others enjoy cottage cheese but to me it just doesn’t look good enough to eat……as my grandma would say ‘that is a word for somebody’.
Trump however had no such positive motives in his advice to Greta and he intentionally meant to mock her like he mocks anything that dares to annoy him. In ‘space niggas’ instead of White conservatives and libertarian’s mocking Greta it is some kind of alien race Greta is trying to tell they don’t need to pump and sell off all of their planets ‘polyneutoniumphosphate 2.4 to the 235465th power saccharide’. They have been abusing themselves and their planet by pumping out their planetary reservoirs and selling it to ‘The Empire’ (yes Dearth Vader, Dearth Mall, Palpatine and other Sith lords, greedy title seeking types like Grand Moff Tarkin, and alien gangsters and thugs like Jabba and the other ‘Huts’. Greta is pleading with them to stop it, to stop pumping and selling the ‘polyneutoniumphosphate 2.4 to the 235465th power saccharide’. It has been a feature of their planet and world societies since antiquity but now the planet is being pumped dry. But Greta in space is on the case and has done the research. Space Greta has told them that if this alien race continues to pump out ‘polyneutoniumphosphate 2.4 to the 235465th power saccharide’ at this prodigious rate it will cause an unbalance and the planet’s core will wobble in its orbit and spin out of control towards the nearest planets in its way and ultimately into its star! Or they can listen to Greta…Greta in space! But more than Greta Thunberg can be recast for ‘Niggers in Space aka Space Niggas’ and ‘Liberal niggas in space’.
The Rock in space….aka….’Space mulattos’ (well paid and rewarded for their racial ambiguity that is….in space). My first episode is he gathers a ‘crackpot’ team of the The Rock, Hallie Berry and Key and Peele and special guests Trevor Noah, Lenny Kravitz and Zoe Saldana. Now Showing! ‘Mulattos in space’ is of course a spin off of the ‘Space Niggers’ franchise…it only stands to reason. I’m waiting on Disney to make me an offer.
The spin off would be ‘Space Mulattos’ and then the alien spawn child from when Sidney Poitier mated and performed the marriage ceremony with that alien species in that particular episode of ‘Space Niggers’ where he tells his dad he’s a universal being that is looking for love anywhere and anyhow he can find it.
‘Mulattos in space’ is about a crackpot team of eccentrics that of course must unite their diametrically opposed personality types and individual skills and capabilities to save the universe (of course). ‘The Rock’ is the muscle, the one everybody expects to be the leader but actually the leader is Key and Peele. That’s because as they remind him, ‘The Rock’ is not particularly amusing or entertaining. The aliens found this out as well in his movies on alien worlds and systems. He’s just a walking mulatto muscle spasm that knows English and looks like the perfect leader….which is a different skill set from actually leading.
As a matter of fact the only thing worse than electing Donald Trump would have been to elect ‘The Rock’ (a former pro wrestler) who at one point was considering runs for public office and floated his political ambitions. Former wrestlers can be argued to have absolutely no probity or honesty except in the fact they already assume you the viewer knows the match is fixed and that his or her presence is just ‘de rigour’.
‘The Rock’ is the worst of both worlds, a nigga with no particular affinity for niggerdom unless he’s getting paid and pained and a Polynesian who hasn’t invited ‘nan nigga’ to Polynesia to even visit. He is an anti-hero with all the tools to be heroic, but instead he lets the Hollywood highest bidders chart his course….ergo ‘The Rock in Space’ and his episodes of ‘Mulattos in Space’! ‘The Rock in Space’ would be the only nigga in space that got more pedicures and manicures than the women (in space).
The Hallie Berry character in ‘Mulattos in Space’, the aged femme fetale (if not fetal), who in ‘Space Niggers’ and ‘Mulattos in space’ is expected to recast her Oscar winning role in ‘Monsters Ball’ as a hopeless confused Black woman and fuck an alien security guard at her brother’s execution and think it’s not some kind of subliminal alien supremacist plot. Ergo the Oscar for pulling it off. Then in the next of her episodes as a sub plot of ‘Niggers in Space’ it’s basically Halle Berry’s movie “Finding Isaiah….in Space”.
She has a completely normal looking nigga humanoid child and gives him up for adoption to an alien family that can give him a better life in that alien world. But then Hallie wants him back from his alien family and travels all throughout the outer rim planets and time, to get him back. After that episode another episode of her subplot in ‘Niggers/Mulattos in Space’ is from her latest 2021 movie “Bruised….but set in space”. She plays a gay boxer living with an alien ‘woman’ in the Degoba system….’Niggers in Space’ boxing aliens. For real, can you imagine? Hallie Berry on some alien world like Tatoine boxing aliens in a sand pit and fighting them MMA style….aliens…Haillie Berry? Yes that’s setting the bar high for women, you have the opportunity to travel all throughout the universes and you spend your time boxing aliens…beating them up and getting beat up by them. She’s not a scientist, physicist, social scientist, explorer, alien archaeologist…no, Hallie goes throughout the universes boxing other species in fights to the death (or not). And the fun never ends with episodes like “BAPS in space”, and my personal favorite, “nigger catwoman in space without White batman or white Robin (and so she has to work with alien local superheroes)”.
Zoe Saldanas character’s episode of ‘Niggers in Space’/’Mulattos in Space’ has an interesting career in space. Zoe is no Mayim Bialik. She doesn’t have a degree in Neuropsychology. She doesn’t understand that she has to play green in the Guardians of the Galaxy series of movies even though Kermit the frog has reminded us that ‘it is not easy being green’. The White leads, whether they be Chris Pratt as ‘Star Lord’ (of course), Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, or Harrison Ford or Princess Leia or Rae are free in outer space to look exactly like White people look presently. Everybody else has to be exotic or fitted with all sorts of technology…that is to say or green from head to toe. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind there was no fourth kind of class of niggers interested in seeing and being part of the encounter with aliens. It is as though aliens came to earth, sent a lot of signals of being friendly and wanting to meet and interact with earthlings…..just not any Black people…but now if you’re green and sexy…well you can get a pass into the White man’s vision of the future…..In theatres now! ‘Niggers in Space!’……’Mulatto’s in Space’…….! But the ‘Niggers in Space’ action and entertainment doesn’t stop there!
……wait for it…wait for it….Rachael Dolezal in her own episodes of ‘Niggers in space’! That is to say a White woman (probably more authentic than Hallie or Zoe), in space acting like she is of African American heritage and descent and is the President of the NAACP on Tatoine and in the Outer Rim. In the first spinoff episode, we see Rachal getting braids, tanning and completely niggerfying her Scandinavian self in order to get a scholarship in the affirmative action program to the outer rim. It is the only way a Black woman can get to the outer rim if she is not green and sexy but I digress.
The planet Californication has an excellent welfare system and so in an effort to completely niggerfy herself she has a couple Black baby daddies who disappear after their first and only episode like all Black characters in White sci-fi end up marginalized or dead fast. Do not fret however, you can’t have ‘Niggers in Space’ by killing off all of the niggers like they do here in Hollywood. Like any good soap opera, their appearance and disappearance is just a red herring and perfect set up to bring them back in future episodes. She also adopts a couple nigger children like Madonna and Angelino Jolie.
And then in the coup de grace episode she gets on welfare for completely stereotypical reasons in order to be like all of the other Black women that she identifies with, admires and seeks to lead to the promised land in this new Alien world that not only oppresses them but colludes with Black men who oppress them further. In the season ending episode, the aliens find out she isn’t Black and feel humiliated and cheated. The Black people in the outer rim wondered why the fuck she would choose to be Black when even the aliens respect White people more and a la close encounters of the third kind didn’t include the fourth kind, niggers. Even Mexicans were represented in Close Encounters of the Third kind…a little…even though they didn’t know what was going on.
So Rachel in the ‘fake Mulattos in space episode’ has to go on the run in the outer rim still acting like and determined to inhabit the life of a stereotypical Black woman from 20th century earth. As you might imagine, she fools a lot of aliens and humanoids who have never seen one nigger in their entire lives. You can’t blame the aliens for not knowing the difference! But by the time they figure out ‘she’s no real nigger’ it’s too late! She is for all intents and purposes a ‘de facto’ and ersatz nigger leader in the outer rim planets and thus ‘Niggers in Space’.
She spends her time in the outer rim of planets teaching Black History to any number of different planets, races and species….thereby representing niggerdom in the universe….like a transvestite, but it’s not sexual it’s racial. It would be like, if you were alien and you didn’t know any real women except from academic biologic study. And the first humanoid you meet is a transvestite or transgender man acting as a woman. And the well educated alien says to him or herself (or some other sexual designation and classification) wow, that humanoid woman has a big pussy. Because for their solar system, and the uniqueness of their sun, it gives them the ability to see under dresses and clothing and things down to the naked form and even under the skin. But transvestites and Rachel Dolezal got away with it a long time in the outer rim….to such an extent it’s just different in the outer rim…..more liberal…then Oprah, Tyler and Lee can have lgbtqia episodes of ‘Niggers in Space’, ‘Mulattos in space’ and yes ‘LGBTQIA individuals in space’. Then their ‘nigger empire in space’ representing niggerdom to all the galaxies and outer rim planets will be complete. As a matter of Tyler, Oprah and Lee call me because most of your episodes I can crank out in 20 minutes just using nigger shit from today’s negro cinema and your old movies.
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