Inert Reflections on Atlanta and the Deep South

*As regards metro Atlanta politics, bureaucracy and Buckhead; while incompetence is better than corruption neither will keep the kingdom in your hands long. Slap the both of them together and you are doomed.

*The current crop of Black and White politicians in Georgia and perhaps America are confused by the idea that what ‘merits’ a public servant is passing the background check or the credit score check. It’s ok that those ‘variables’ may keep you out of public service but the crime in American politics is that we think simply passing them means one has what it takes to be a public servant. Some people never stole, ‘got in a bad marriage’ or went broke simply because they didn’t have the courage or opportunity to do so, not because their characters were elevated.

*People accuse me of provincialism when I argue that all of these (even Black) newcomers to Atlanta in leadership positions and running for office is not a good thing. It isn’t provincialism at all….it is as a result of my maxim “if you are unorganized and poorly led, other people (any people) will take advantage of you”. That is to say, “why are you going to move to Atlanta from Chicago and then argue down here you give a damn about public service”? Hmmm, you weren’t properly motivated to help your fellow Chicagoans where you were born and raised and presumably have some love and loyalty but you want to come down south and talk big like you so motivated to help ‘the situation’ down here? Is urban greater Chicago in less need of your services than we are? The devil is a lie and some else might be one too.

*Oh my beloved Atlanta, I’m old enough to remember when many of the Black parts were White. And I learned from my hood and hustling days that it is best to live with ‘no shame in your game’. You don’t have time to apologize, grovel and kiss other people’s asses. But the other side of that no groveling coin is that when you do err, publicly or privately, you own it! If something is the truth, you own it. You don’t have time to live in some kind of fantasy land where you can blame your own self perpetuated evils and addictions on 400 years of racism or having been slave. The devil is a lie and somebody else is also. You own it.

If Booker T and W.B major fuck up was not that they weren’t great men with the truth, it was that they both had to be 100% right, so they viewed their mission as attacking the other instead of attacking the poverty and ignorance (not White people) that were the real enemy. Somebody should have told them that both of their missions can work for Negritude. But instead they spent a significant amount of time attacking each other. Who told them they need to attack each other? And of course this internecine nigger warfare always amuses White folks. You call the White man the devil and the devil is indeed a lie according to grandma but it seems ‘somebody(s)’ else is lying to.

Who told you and repeatedly tells you that making Black lives matter to White folk and the government is more important than making Black lives matter to Black people (in the middle of a Black on Black crime wave). Apparently during the Civil Rights Movement when we were practicing non-violent political action on White folks, we niggers didn’t get the memo that we should also be practicing non-violence on ourselves and our children! This Black on Black crime wave is of such proportions that Black politicians have now resorted to begging White folks to help us with our crime problem and send more police with better technology, tools and weaponry. Hmm, after George Floyd, Eric Garner, et al, you wanted to defund the police and turn the old City jail into a help center like ‘Weezie and Florence’ in the old Jefferson’s television show… the middle of a Black on Black crime wave…the devil is a lie and somebody else is too.

Who told you that in an environment where nearly every convenience store and gas station in ‘your’ community is owned by immigrants from other countries, your main concern should be begging White folks and the government for affirmative action and more programs. Affirmative action, amongst many, many other things ‘starts at home’! Apparently we’d rather blame White folk than deal with the fact that as a community we are unorganized and poorly led and thus other people take advantage of us (including our former slave masters as they smile and grin sheepishly as we beg them to hire more police and give them better weapons, tools and technologies; the same old 2022 version of the tougher longer sentences policy that wreaked so much havoc in our communities in the wake of the crack epidemic during the 80’s, 90′, and early naughts). That is to say, after 30 years niggers are still in the same position they were in vis a vis the criminal justice system whether Kim Kardashian is a lawyer or not and has a fund to help niggers with legal problems because of unfair sentencing.

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