A UGA Football Victory and the Triumph of the Old Antebellum South
As I reflect on the UGA National Championship win and the institution of football and football culture in the psyche of the deep south; it default and de facto is the last remnant of the antebellum southern Black/White structural dynamic of political economy. White leadership and control and Black labor for nearly majority White institutions of higher learning. Black labor and physicality and White leadership and everybody is happy. Black people and White people united in some kind of Elysian Fields of the old south like our provincial (if oft times brutal) southern institutions and methods of organization; that is to say Whites on top and Black labor and physical talent, wins and is the best in the world.
This University of Georgia and Alabama ‘bama’ football dominance is the southern archetype of the south besides mint juleps, the Kentucky derby, New Orleans octoroon parties and genteel hospitality that Jefferson Davis, Bobby Lee, Stonewall Jackson and defenders of the old confederacy would be proud of and turn into a photo opportunity were they alive today. The Black Lives Matter crowd and many other varieties of liberals (many patently ignorant of Civil War history or American history generally) tore down the statues but the old dominion and the old deep south confederacy triumphed this Monday night and indeed all season as Georgia, Alabama, LSU, Auburn, Tennessee, Ole Miss, and other denizens of the SEC proved that what is mediocre in SEC football is elite everywhere else and in every other conference. The SEC sets the standard for football operations (until disproved). Do you think it is a magic coincidence the places collegiate football thrives are former slave states?
Were the giants and personalities of the confederacy alive today or magically transported to Monday Night’s championship game they could go to the game and see young and old rich happy White folks in the stands, in the sky boxes and on the sidelines in administrative and operational positions of responsibility but Black labor and brawn is on the field. Naturally they would think not a damn thing has changed from the antebellum days.
I would imagine them justifying themselves saying “see I told you it would work and that ‘it’ (slavery) indeed is a unique and ‘peculiar institution’ and ‘it’ is the best form of organization because it produces the best competitive performance in the field/world…..i.e collegiate football”. And the icing on the cake is look at the darkies, excuse me nigra college football players out there just as happy as larks to be in such a situation. How can they not be happy (Colin Kaepernick) when they are prancing around, dancing and buffooning for the camera when they score a touchdown, make a good play or get a first down for the team (the majority White institution).
As for me, brother I thought that’s what you were supposed to do (that is, get first downs and make plays), you have on the uniform and have been getting a free education or getting paid a handsome wage, going to practice, studying playbooks and lifting weights and everything. I thought you were supposed to get first downs not celebrate them.
Look how happy we darkies are prancing around for White mainstream institutions. Antonio Brown claimed he was injured, took off his uniform and ran off the field in a dramatic display of dancing and skipping ‘to my lou’ buffoonery only possibly topped by if Naomi Osaka did it on the Tennis court; to which all I have to say is it probably is better she pulled out of the tennis tournament. She might have gotten corona virus from Djokovich and ended up running topless off the court. I suppose that is indeed the definition of needing a ‘mental health’ break.
The Black community in the south celebrates this ‘political economy of southern Collegiate (SEC) football’ with antebellum roots’ too. Not a single Negro leader, not even Stacy Abrams, Raphael Warnock, John Ossoff, the Black Lives Matter crowd and the entire ‘Kingdom of Wokeness’ protested the Black labor to White leadership ratio at these and many other elite colleges and universities athletic programs and no one complained about the possibilities of maiming, paralyzation, CTE and injury to these Black boys/young men bodies and minds; no one wondered how many of them were going to graduate and even if they did in what field of study and with what implications for their future in life post-football in the post-modern information age global economic environment.
No, Monday night was one night we Negroes were completely happy in our lot, to be led by White people and White institutions and be ennobled by our efforts and performance for said White institutions. And thusly our best and brightest athletes and many other examples of Black youth excellence get creamed right off the top of the Black community and sold up and down the rivers of the deep south and Midwest in the modern day version of slavery where the biggest strongest bucks are happy to be sold to the most prestigious plantations with the best record of getting you in the pros where you can make some money and buy your freedom and get a lotta White women to boot.
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