Notes on Haiti

The thing about the Haitian migrant ‘crisis’ is that of course White America (and not just White) thinks it’s a great crime and imposition on America that Haitians wash up on our shores and borders in rugged desperation. Indeed, the nerve. They even view it in a ‘Trumpian’ kind of ‘racism lite’ way; which is to say brownish or Black people from shit hole countries are a criminal, financial and disease ridden imposition on the good White taxpaying citizens of America that White folks don’t deserve.

This is as if Haitian niggers washing up on the shores of America is unfair to White people because hard earned White tax dollars and productivity is once again being diverted to and wasted on Black and brown people from shit hole countries. White mainstream Americans are angst ridden and disappointed when their hard earned tax dollars go to their own Black and brown people from our own American shit hole areas like Elijah Cummings and John Lewis districts according to Trump. White folks resent appearing to ‘help’ by means of government their own American home grown Black and brown niggas let alone their tax dollars going to aid and assist niggas from foreign lands.

This is as if it is a magic coincidence of serendipity and synchronicity that niggers ended up in the western hemisphere! White folk seem to think we niggers teleported to the western hemisphere when Scotty from Star Trek beamed us over; or perhaps White folk think a rift opened up in the time space continuum vortex when African niggers started washing up on the shores of Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, Panama, the Bahamas and at at the borders and shores of White mainstream America from Georgia to the Carolinas to Virginia and even New York in the 16th and 17th centuries. These are way too many locations to be a magic coincidence ladies and gentlemen! Apparently White folk have forgotten that the presence of niggers in the Americas and the Caribbean is the result of a conscious choice by the European Church and European economic, political, cultural and dynastic national interests to engage in the slave trade! CRT or not, and I do not subscribe to the public school pedagogical concept of CRT for reasons I will discuss at a later date but that is the truth from a CRT perspective and any sane historical perspective on the European slave trade.

And yet of course that fact presupposes the further question…..what were the effects of the European Slave trade; in the Americas, in the Caribbean, on Black people, White people, others, etc.? All of these questions are valid; to ask and demand an intelligent answer. They are just as valid as they are uncomfortable.

Yet I offer White Americans a saner way of looking at things. It may not be the best time because Biden recently dissed the French in a faux pas regarding submarines. That is just another gaffe and misstep in Biden’s tenure like all of the other gaffes and misstatements that have become predictable and regular features of the Biden administration. But White America needs to ask the French to do something about the Haitians or at least take in some refugees. After all, it was the French and massive profits from sugar, coffee and cotton (not without irony) that spurred the systematic and brutal forced migration of African niggas to Haiti and made Haiti the richest colony in the 18th century French Empire and that even out produced similar British colonies located in the Caribbean and Americas. Of course it goes without saying that imported Haitians from Africa and home grown Haitian African descendants enjoyed none of the money or prestige for the power and productivity of France’s Haitian Colony. The French could look at it like reparations to get them some niggers from Haiti and put them in the projects and public housing developments they house poor Black and brown immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa in already. They are hidden in the suburbs surrounding Paris and other major French cities. If the French do it right it would be a public relations triumph. But French Whites have about as much interest in ‘Black and brown people’ and what to do about the crimes of the past as American Whites.

Sugar, the culinary cocaine of the rapidly industrializing and commercially growing and advancing European nations (40% of the sugar/60% of the coffee) that ALL Europe used in 1780 according to Wikipedia. That is what caused we African niggers to be in Haiti at all. We niggers didn’t swim to Haiti, Brazil, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina. White folks strong armed us with high tech weaponry and military discipline and it was such the case that we were strong armed and didn’t want to go that White folks needed to shackle us and force feed us or else we’d jump off the ships or otherwise commit suicide….this is how bad White folks wanted us in Haiti and the Americas! And now you good White folks don’t want to pay your hard earned tax money to support Haitian refugees. I get it. I don’t want to pay either.

Trump and his Republican lackeys and ‘she-men’ (though conservatives complain about real homosexuals and transvestites) should go ask France to help you with your Haitian nigga problems on the border and shores. After all it was they who brought African slaves, the same ones that became the current generation of Haitians in the western hemisphere and who are damn near invading other Caribbean and Latin American countries and swimming to America across the Rio Grande out of desperation!

Thomas Jefferson warned you White folks whether and if the White man’s crimes (regarding slavery) will catch up to Europeans and European descended Americans. I can’t tell ‘Tommy boy’ but I can tell you that if you paying a percentage of your tax money to help Haitian immigrants makes you wince and cringe, if there were some kind of real reckoning behind slavery you’d do more than wince and cringe. The fact of how we African niggers got to Haiti and the Americas at all, now is treated like an imposition on White America and the other vestige nations of European colonialism and now you refuse the descendants of the former slaves whose backs you built your empires off of….for shame White man, for shame! Old southern Black women’s favorite phrases are the ‘the devil is a lie’ and ‘God don’t like ugly’.

Haiti is earthquake prone literally and figuratively. Haiti will forever be a symbol to White European and American Colonialism and Imperialism of just precisely the reckoning ‘Thomas J’ spoke of. It is the culmination of White fears; angry resentful niggers, poor and half dressed with no shoes on running the countryside with machetes hacking White men, women and children up in retribution for their perceived miseries. That same fear animated and politicized Whites in the wake of the American Civil War as fears of liberated niggers, Black retribution and raping White women spurred the organization and development of the KKK, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws. And ‘Tommy boy’s’ fear was not the fear of a reckoning of a few dollars on White America’s taxes and affirmative action; he defined the possibility and fear of a reckoning in blood. Danish philosopher Kierkegaard warned that things that bring success and glory in the temporal world….over time and the encounter with the eternal bring misery and shame.

And now in Republican, conservative and even libertarian circles Black and brown people in the western hemisphere and at home are looked at as a costly nuisance, but still an apparent noose around White people’s neck. This noose is in the form a drain on taxes; a drain on public resources and a drain on White mainstream institutions that are now being forced to integrate through affirmative action and other programs. That is a tax and pride of place burden on the White man. It isn’t a literal noose around White folk’s neck of course unless we consider Buckhead and White perceptions of their susceptibility and vulnerability to nigga crime, which is driving the independent Buckhead movement. This is just like White fears of post-Reconstruction nigger crime spurred the development of the KKK, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws.

As we consider these matters from a tax and spend perspective, a liberal perspective as though White folk have something to apologize about; White men resent the sensation that they have something to apologize about. It was one of their main criticisms of Obama’s international speeches. But let us consider the matter of Haitian immigrants from a purely economic perspective.

There is indeed a philosophical and moral question of whether or not White America and Americans in general should be paying for and housing Haitian immigrants. For now, the moral question is the wrong question to ask inasmuch as White people did not invent the socio-economic forms of organizations grounded in slavery. The best question to ask is economic and is precipitated upon the Louisiana purchase concluded with France under Napoleon for what amounted to pennies on the dollar of Native American land. $18 per square mile.

You may be wondering what prompted Napoleonic France to sell the land to White America at ‘fire sale’ prices. Let the reader read the Wikipedia entry for the details but suffice it say, Napoleon’s failure to put down the Haitian revolt caused it to be his Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. He was a White man selling to other Whites what he never legally or morally owned for pennies on the dollar and the current scions of White America benefited exponentially. Nigger descendants of Africa couldn’t put a bid in to France on the Louisiana purchase and Native Americans couldn’t bid on the Louisiana purchase. White folks get mad today when in the government and the public bureaucracy bids are submitted but not taken seriously as the matter has been decided. And what did White folks do with that land they got for pennies on the dollar from Napoleonic France? Did they give some of the best of it to Niggers from Africa and Native Americans so they could have a chance to do for self and build their own institutions? No they gave it to White folks in varying settler schemes and acts and homesteading acts; movements and schemes more or less for free so that the White mainstream American government could establish White homesteads and White communities. And ladies and gentlemen before White folks start talking about their pride in settling and taming the west and what ‘good stuff’ their ancestors must have been made from that settled the west let us never forget that these White folks who received this land were in no wise expected to be good, Holy or anything else. The only thing they had to be to get the free land gotten by the Louisiana purchase from France was White! They were simply there because they were better than niggers and Native Americans in that they would be a bulwark against the geopolitical and economic imposition of both.

And now magically, Haitians are washing up on the shores of Texarkana and Louisiana looking for their daily rations if not what Napoleon really owes them from the Louisiana purchase. If Haitian nigga intransigence and revolt were the reasons Napoleon wanted to sell France’s midwestern American interests for cash fast, as in fire sale fast, is it not inconceivable that America owes the Haitians something? Ah, O White man, chickens and many, many other animals go home to roost; like Pacific Salmon that have to swim miles upstream against the greatest odds to do so. What a great irony of history that the White mainstream American people that bought uncompensated for Native American land from Napoleonic France for pennies on the dollars and made money exponentially off the territory quite for themselves for hundreds of years thereafter, now finds itself with some Haitian immigrants looking for their 40 acres and a muthafuckin mule…..or their daily rations and a roof over their heads in Post-Modern America.

Part II

For today’s purposes however, I more so mean to discuss the financial nooses around White folks necks in the form of huge welfare systems and the cultural noose that manifests itself around White folk’s neck in the present cancel culture kind of political environment. To the White mind, the perception of what treating Black people and culture like Black people and culture has equal value to and is equal to White culture implicitly lowers White culture. That sentiment is what is energizing the Trump movement amongst Whites.

In having to look at Black faces on the news, singing Black songs (the way you once sang and fell in love with white songs), nigga pundits on the news programs on every channel, everywhere complaining; mediocre niggas trying to tell White people how they oughta feel, what they oughta say and do and exert nigga authority over them. You heard the ‘Tiki torch’ chant ‘Jews will not replace us’, it could have just as easily been ‘niggers will not replace us’. I get it. I don’t want to be replaced either. Today’s dildos have speed/throb control, vibration control, warmth control, nodules and projections on them no man can naturally emulate. I get it White man, I don’t want to be replaced either but I haven’t gotten any pussy by protesting since I was in High School.

It has gotten so that White men don’t even want to play basketball anymore. What kind of world is that to live in for a White man? Let us look at the ghost of Christmas past herr Whiteman…..back…through the weed smoke and time…..the shrooms and the LSD….and the ketamine White man…..there now, at the all White high school you went to 40 years ago and lettered in 3 sports. Even though your White sons and daughters are still there at the neighborhood public school because you can’t afford to put yours in private school (you failure), the best athletes in track, basketball and football are Black and your sons have no real chance of competing. The soccer and baseball team elite athletes are Hispanic. The valedictorian and salutatorian, the persons with the highest SAT scores and the persons winning the academic awards and scholarships are Asian, specifically Chinese, Korean and East Indian. Your older sister was the Homecoming Queen 40 years ago when your neighborhood public high school was all White, now some mulatto Negress is the Homecoming Queen….in the now integrated High School where you as a White man once ruled and dominated. Yep, you’re living your American dream aren’t you White man? Or perhaps you have bought the Trump ‘cool aid’ that you are living in a nightmare where your birthrates are dropping and smart foreigners are taking over! (insert tiki torch chants of Jews, Asians, Latinos and niggers will not replace us). Now niggers are taken seriously enough to build movements around and you have to watch niggers in jobs good standing White people once had. These are the sentiments that are driving Trump support and the power in Republican politics of this new White underclass.

Is that predicament what your White ancestors dreamt about when they sailed the Atlantic and Indian Oceans looking for Gold and anything precious they could haul to Europe, Asia and the Americas to sell? Is this post-modern America where niggers and foreigners rule the White America Europeans risked their lives for taking chances like sailing across seas and traversing continents; like where poor White folks feel like they are being replaced in the empire White folks ancestors enslaved millions of African niggas to build and stole and sold millions of acres of Native American land with no percentage of remuneration to the Natives to build? How did you White folk get from there to here; marching in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia protesting that you are afraid Jews, niggers and Latinos replacing you? When your ancestors stood on the shores of Tripoli, Tunisia and Asia as well as being the first White eyes to view the Grand Canyon, the geyser called old faithful (who knows what its Native American name even was) is this what your ancestors o White man dreamt for you; that your children would be ruled by mulattos and foreigners? And perhaps that is what you resent most about your present circumstances noted above vis a vis CRT and new forms of sexuality draining your birthrate. And now what is to be done White man? Will you kick against the prick and go further and further into a ‘Trumpian’ alternate reality where dreams of the the past, dreams of the way it once was and dreams of the way it used to be spur you to try to bring it back by any means necessary, even Jan 6th?

Of course the question of whether geo-political apartheid is the appropriate strategy is fraught with complexities. There are moral, ethical, short term, medium term and long term complexities that cannot be predicted.

Part III

Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians know Trump isn’t an ideal person, politician or candidate. But he is the only one ‘they’ can use to fight back against the effete liberalism of the day. That is precisely the reason even White mainstream televangelists and evangelicals support him. They are picking the lesser of two evils too (like Black people say we always do politically). Presently construed, there are only two options for White folks. Choice A is the effete, CRT, alphabet soup sexualized politics, borders that turn into Third World countries. So now the White man in America and more broadly Europe with regard to its own Black and brown refugee problems feel like the White man doesn’t deserve this problem and is being ‘put upon unfairly’ by denizens of the Third World. Choice B? Self destruct…..if we can’t run it, no one will…….

The tricky thing however, as stated before is Black and brown people did not magically show up in the Western hemisphere. Neither did Black and Brown people discover Europe and invade it, contrary to present European notions. This ugly fruit of Black and brown poor immigration to America and Western Europe, the seeds were planted long ago by Europeans that thought they could control people in perpetuity. Even if your White European ancestors thought that they could physically and mentally control Black and brown people in perpetuity, the part they misread was whether or not after 450 years White folk would feel like doing what it takes to control Black and brown people; brutalizing them and discriminating against them etc; and making Black and brown people live as 2nd and 3rd class citizens of the American and European world and the international community; emotionally, religiously, politically, culturally, etc. South Africa wasn’t even prepared to make those kinds of sacrifices in perpetuity even though I guarantee you the ancestors of the Boers in South Africa would have thought control simply meant having enough guns and the organized political will to use them in terms of strategic violence; what today we call things like ‘ethnic cleansing’.

White America may be quite willing to admit that the French should ‘do something’ about their former colony but knowing White America as well as I do I’m sure White Americans perceive themselves as having absolutely no liability in the Haiti fiasco; which is why they feel put upon by Latino and Haitian refugees. I argue White American liability for the crisis in Haiti because I’ve been to jail here in White America a few times and I have found out that writing bad checks can get you locked up and receiving stolen property can get you locked up. The law enforcement community understands how easy it is to accidentally buy stolen property once or twice; what the law enforcement community doesn’t understand is you habitually and purposely receiving and reselling stolen property for your own profit. Did White America know it (French Territories in the western hemisphere) was stolen? Even if they knew, admitting it would presume liability in their own North American affairs with Native Americans. Since Native ‘Indians’ were living here and resisted being kicked off the land, to argue you didn’t know it wasn’t stolen is disingenuous. Oh, no my fault, the White man has an out… know the old story of how great a salesman the White man is… he bought the whole Island of Manhattan for two or three barrels of liquor, 14 antiquated and barely operational guns and used typhoid filled blankets. Now that’s a deal. Or take the Opium trade for instance. The White man makes great deals and is a great salesman. Of course all great deals are precipitated upon being able to take advantage of the other person. When I sold weed 25 years ago, I bought the best quality I could as cheaply as possible and then my market was people who couldn’t come to Atlanta to get quality and had to get country weed and damn near homegrown. I took advantage of the resources I had being from a major city.

In conclusion, the France/America/Louisiana Purchase/Haitian Refugee vortex is complex enough that indeed America owes the Haitians more than they are getting. The weird part however is that the Haitians themselves aren’t interested in my arguments; God bless them, all they want to do is come over here and work and get an apartment and take care of their families instead the far nobler way of handling the matter the far nobler way I suggested of telling the American White man “bitch you owe me, you figure out how to pay me my reparations” and let’s start with this post-earthquake, post-political instability, post-gang takeover migration.

Not only that, I think the Haitians should head straight for Louisiana, their promised land. Haiti is prone to earthquakes and Louisiana is prone to hurricanes and floods. It’s a match made in heaven because ‘Creole French’ is even spoken there. That is the Haitians inheritance from the French Motherland in the Americas. What Napoleon sold to America for pennies on the dollar he was in no wise qualified to sell in any modern international or national court or public opinion. Napoleon sold stolen land from Native Americans that they had no stake in its sale if it was to be sold at all. It was a fraudulent transaction. Napoleon was selling damn near 1/3 of America at fire sale prices in order to fund the Napoleonic war machine against France’s European adversaries. America took advantage of the situation.

And now the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost. Literally. Going to Tex-Mex, Texarkana, Louisiana, their Haitian promised land in America. They have just as much right to it as White America and anybody else thereafter including we American niggers. Let us close with the words of Bubba from the show “Sanford and Son” when he went to the library and posed as ‘Blind Mella Jella’s” son and said and reiterated over and over that “he wanted his Daddy’s records”. Lamont had donated the historic blues recordings to the university Library for a tax credit. Fred found out how much they were actually worth and concocted a scheme to get them back from the library and sell them to a dealer of antiquities.

The Haitians “want they Daddy’s records”! The Haitians want they Daddy records America. The Latinos and the LatinX world wants they Daddy’s records. The Asians and George Takei want they Daddy records that you took from them during World War II when many Japanese citizens on the west coast were interned. The Native American and we niggers want they Daddy’s records. You gone give me my Daddy records. Ahmad Arbury and George Floyd become heroes and symbols of Black resistance, quite accidentally mind you. All you got to do to be a legend in the Black and brown broke assed world is get killed by a White man. Never mind that niggers kill niggers at a prodigious rate. Post modern day White folk are like muthafucka I ain’t got your Daddy records. All that shit happened a long time and I ain’t making no money today off your muthafuckin daddy records. Don’t you see me out here losing to Chinese folk and Indians, if you don’t get off my back you gonna fuck us all up with your bitching and moaning about shit that happened, 400 years ago, 175 or so since the Civil War, 100 years since the Jim Crow era, 75 years since the Civil Rights movement…….nigga you need to let that shit go and quit slipping on your pimping. How another pimp hold you back. It’s pimp game.

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