Don’t go digging in history unless you really, really……

I’m writing this morning because I couldn’t Youtube info on Brunhilda from Wagner operas. That is a bizarre segue into our topic for today; westerns and western themed dramas. I’m here because of late I have been interested in figures from Native American history. Yes, I’m over 50 and when I was growing up we got taught the white version of ‘how the west was won’. Honorable cowboys and homesteaders running off recalcitrant or unruly natives and such excitement and opportunities for white men to be heroic. I’m one of those generations of little Black boys siding with the Lone Ranger et al against the renegade Indians….beautiful white women on the open prairie with corsets’ and chiffon dresses so heroic they are running the risk of death and rape to civilize the west. Only later did I wonder if those childhood narratives were indeed the best version of reality; which is to say in the woke vernacular, ‘on the right side of history’.

What a noble and challenging history of how the West was won I was taught in school and by television entertainment on reruns growing up. We Niggers even had a place in that legacy as ‘Buffalo Soldiers’. I urge you to look at the full range of duties of the ‘Buffalo Soldiers’ because even though this essay describes their unfortunate place on the wrong side of history, the contributions they made to the United States as some of the first ‘Park Rangers’, rounding up bandits, renegade ‘rebs’, cattle rustlers, fighting in Cuba in the battle of San Juan with none other than Teddy Roosevelt, and they had one of the lowest desertion and court martial rates et. al. We should be proud of that tradition and even celebrate ‘Bass Reeves’ as the original ‘Lone Ranger’. And to top it all off Bob Marley, prophet of Rastafari wrote a song about ‘Buffalo Soldiers’. All that should honestly ‘trump’ (every pun intended) the fact that at least regarding Native Americans/Indians they were indeed on the wrong side of history but I want to make some larger points here.

Therein lies the problem. The Buffalo Soldiers were indeed on the wrong side of history. They helped in the extermination of Native Americans and the appropriation of their land by the white American ‘mainstream’ government. In contemporary terms of ‘Wokeness’ they killed brown homeless natives and viewed it as a matter of proving to the White mainstream political, commercial and social interests that they are very good at killing other brown people; albeit with different language, customs and straighter hair.

So now my ‘Woke’ friends are at a loss. When white people did evils in the past, systemic racist evils, they must be cancelled, censured, corrected and publicly humiliated. White folk did the exact same crimes (as did the Buffalo soldiers) against Native Americans and it is you and your ancestors who you have put under a halo and are they off limits, or can you not cancel yourself! And even if you argue Buffalo soldiers ‘had to do it’ to survive, they ‘had to do it’ for the same exact reasons poor white men ‘had to do it’……to survive. But you give poor White men no mercy and no excuse. Hold them accountable for things for which you do not hold yourself accountable…..the definition of hypocrisy.

Every nigga who has ever been in the military or had a job in a white mainstream company has benefited off the foundation that the Buffalo soldiers laid. For generations we have been trying to prove that we are just as entrenched in American interests as White people; Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you going to cancel yourself soldier, government employee, etc.? Or….unlike the white people you are so eager to cancel for what their ancestors did, are you off limits for the evils of your ancestors and how you benefited from them? Just a question. Just a question. And one of the supreme ironies is that the very same people who call themselves protesting to integrate White mainstream interests complain and cancel the very same interests in the name of ‘wokeness’ and political correctness and holding people accountable for historical crimes. And even if you argue Buffalo soldiers ‘had to do it’ to survive, they ‘had to do it’ for the same exact reasons poor white men ‘had to do it’……to survive.

Yes, it’s all hypocrisy and while I understand completely personal hypocrisy and have my own hidden and blatant hypocrisies we cannot suffer our Negro Public intellectual life to be filled with obvious hypocrisies! Hidden and inconspicuous hypocrisies perhaps but not obvious and public ones. And that one is obvious and probes the point that it is not some intellectual, political, historic or even cultural principles that drive ‘Wokeness’ and ‘Cancel Culture’, it is who has the most followers on social media and can ‘dangle the meat of condemnation’ in front of the ‘Woke’ mob that thinks intellectualism is not how many books by classic authors you’ve read but how many chat rooms you are in and how many arguments you get into in them because you are so ‘Woke’. And the Conservatives are right about liberals in that regard. Liberals are full of righteous indignation when they feel their historic wounded sub-groups are hurt by oppressive systemic structures that punish and cancel minority and marginalized groups; and then after they become elites themselves, the very same Liberals and champions of ‘wokeness’ seek to rectify this by creating oppressive structures in order to punish and cancel the old elites and their allies! That is my problem though, not theirs. Apparently the ‘Woke’ nigga community is fine with these kinds of inconsistencies.

Back to the point, are you ‘Woke’ enough to condemn a black man just liberated from slavery who is told he’ll see the country, get 3 square meals a day and a little change to send home to his love ones to hunt and fight Indians? Are you ‘Woke’ enough to condemn him for his lack of sympathy for ‘brown’ Native Americans and in the enforcement of White supremacy in the Midwest and the western parts of the United States? For that matter are you ‘Woke’ enough to condemn a white confederate soldier broke as shit, can’t read or write, doesn’t know what planet he’s on, has never owned a pair of shoes in his life and certainly never owned any slaves for succumbing to peer pressure and desperation and becoming a Confederate soldier. Does he not deserve any sympathy or understanding, so much so that if even his family respects him for his sacrifice 4 generations later in middle Tennessee and they are just as poor today as he was then can we not leave them to their ideal of their noble ancestor? You don’t have to agree with somebody to respect them for their humanity and the tough choices human beings often have to make. But now it’s okay for the ‘Woke’ community to publicly insult him and his family and insist that his morals and even life are irredeemable because of being on the wrong side of history.

To find our culture thinking in such simplified terms is scary. Liberals forget that Stalin and Hitler were in their own way ‘making things right’; redressing historical wounds to his people by attacking ‘enemies’. Attack them, curse them, take them out of their professional positions, erase their presence from history. Can it be that anyone in or associated with the Confederacy or its leadership deserves such treatment. Let us not forget that Hitler’s argument was that Judaism be purged from German history as a corrupting influence. Thus, Jewish composers like Mendelsohn and Mahler got erased from the playlist because Hitler and the Nazi’s were so ‘Woke’. Jewish stores and buildings were smashed on Kristallnacht because the Nazis were so ‘Woke’ and I’m sure felt similar to the ‘Woke’ mobs that attack confederate statues and symbols seeking to destroy them and their memory. Jewish professors lost professorships in Nazi Germany because of the bad influence on the good wholesome German college students that deserved to be taught a version of history not polluted by ‘Jewishness’. I wish I were making it up but even today Jewish scholars that publicly support Israel, the ‘Woke’ crowd is trying to get dismissed in a bizarre replay of history.

In Stalin’s case poverty and the distribution of wealth was so bad that the demons of the ‘Woke’ Bolsheviks were rich industrialists, aristocrats and their families and the petty bourgeois elites and middle class managerial social classes that did their bidding and made social progress look possible without Bolshevik ‘intervention’/revolution. In Bolshevik ‘Wokeness’ the aforementioned social and political classes had all they had at the expense of the working classes (or shall we say Proletariat). The Proletariat was Holy, forever abused and taken advantage by the rich and their fake petty bourgeois imps. Everything was their fault; every social ill, every child with no shoes, every child that can’t spell his name was the ‘their’ fault.

Next public ad hominin attacks designed to raise the ire of the proletariat ‘Woke’ mob to go after somebody and take things from them that they don’t deserve because in some way they ‘stole’ it from you. So now the ‘Woke’ Bolshevik mob is being told they need to ‘liberate the means of production’, confiscate businesses and the homes of the upper classes and bourgeois elites. Yes my friends slow liquidation or fast, the state and the party bosses and bureaucratic elites end up with the money and living in the homes and salons of the old aristocrats and elites and the poor are still poor. Like we niggers are still poor when out of anger our ‘Woke’ mob burns down the CVS and loots the Walmart in its own community. From the right or the left the screws can get put to the poor and working classes.

Beware of any leaders whose central argument is telling you what somebody else owes you. The extension of that is that if you seize it you are on the right side of history because it is what somebody, some group, some country, some race, some people, some socio-economic class OWES you. We are told that if we follow the fearless nigga lawyer/leader/broke preacher, he or she will ‘help’ us seize what we are owed…or so the logic goes, but the Sharpton’s, NAACP, Black Elected Officials, Urban Leagues and SCLCS have a different argument.

Their argument is that they will get niggas and anybody else who will pay them to seem like they are getting you what you are owed. I can never get what you are owed. I get paid to seem like I am getting you what you are owed and the list of what you are owed gets longer and longer. So now the nigga ‘Woke’ mob is said we are owed health care, education, racial justice, welfare, affirmative action and the right to vote in your muthafucking sleep if you want to by putting a pressure pad on your mattress at night and if you roll to the left, you vote democrat and if you roll to the left you vote republican and the vote should be counted.

Why the fuck would you want to live somewhere you don’t have a muthafuckin state issued ID, whether it is to vote or do anything else? But to our current crop of black liberals the problem is not homeless Black people alienated from their families, professional lives or jobs and communities. To Black liberals the biggest problem in that scenario is white people won’t let these niggas vote with no ID. That’s a dumbass ‘somebody owes you something’ argument. Get a fucking ID. It will help your life in myriad ways. Since Stacy Abrams has been on book tours and proto-running for Governor and Vice President or a Cabinet level office at the same time she could have gotten all these muthafuckin niggas in Georgia she’s protesting for voting rights for a muthafuckin state issued ID. I’m trying to tell you. Unfortunately niggas don’t do real world class level politics. We do the politics of grievance and arguing about what other muthafuckas owe you and calling that politics. Nigga you ain’t stupid. You a hustler, you a street nigga. You know on the street what somebody owe you is a powerful thing.

People get killed going around assuming or appropriating what they feel somebody else owe them and the other person (for whatever reason) happens to disagree. Is this not the root of all crimes, ‘what somebody owe you thinking’. Why do 14 and 15 year old niggas try to rob the Applestore in Lenox with no one asking where their fathers and families are? This is not to condemn them but to simply ask the question what proverbial and anecdotal lacks do they have in their family lives that could have contributed to their early criminality. These boys are victims and Black liberalism is content to roast them on the altar of ‘Molech’ as in sacrificing our children to ‘Molech’ which God abhors and forbids. But we are doing it. A lot of the criminality is because of the effects of familial dysfunction but Black liberals don’t want to admit that because it might hurt some of their political constituencies. So we keep sacrificing our youth and join in the residents of Buckhead calling them criminals. Not one article on their family backgrounds. Not one article on the schools they went to (or not). Not one article dealing with the root of the problem. Just joining in with the chant for blood. And yet the next ‘thug’ is being produced because we are not changing the circumstances that produce them.

Part II A note or two for the Feminists and Womanists

In evolutionary terms we humans have been beating the brakes off each other for millennia and guess what, when we were still monkeys in trees we were like Chimps perfectly willing to beat the brakes off each other to the point of death for strategic interests (best mates, best land with access to defensive positions and resources etc.). Not only that we’d did the chimp cannibalism thing too. How do I know because we find societies up well until the present age that did it for ceremonial, military or religious reasons which might be worse than the reason chimpanzees did it (that is unless they were perhaps doing it for the very same reasons; albeit on a slightly lower cognitive level).

As a matter of fact, and I devote this particular message to we post-modern Negroes who love to run around claiming what America owes us because of what happened in the past. The only reason you (O Negro humanoid) made it long enough to get enslaved was because quite often your people were the ones enslaving and warring (Don’t go digging in history you may not like what you see)! Do we really want to go back and start holding people accountable for intergenerational crimes? How far back are we to go? Find me a Neanderthal so you can make up to his ancestors how them damn ancient Africans poured out of ancient Africa some 100,000 years ago and beat the brakes of the Neanderthals with our superior organization and superior military technology and techniques and did a human species wide mass extermination. Not only that, forgive my French but according to DNA analysis of Neanderthal DNA, we not only beat the brakes off them militarily, we fucked the brakes off them too! Are we to find humans alive today with oh, say 10 percent Neandertal or Denovisian humanoid DNA and give them reparations? If you expect it from White people today, you may as well accept the argument you need to go back in your past and make amends for the crimes of your ancestors to! The fact you’re alive today is because your ancestors capitalized on the privileges they had and passed them on to you.

Yes my feminist friends, go hold men in eternity responsible for their quite admitted sins against women and girls. Yes, hold your great grandfather responsible for being sexist and womanizing. Hate him for it, even to the point of not wanting anything to do with honoring your male ancestors or being in a relationship with a man presently because of the accumulated historical weight of his masculine sin. Now imagine none of your male ancestors were ’bouty, bouty, rowdy, rowdy’ and never committed the crimes you feminists and Womanists accuse them of. Now relegate yourself to non-existence because you were spawned by a sinful arrangement; psychologically, morally and intellectually torture your fuckin self the way you torture ‘elites’ because of your privilege. This is how ridiculous post-modern arguments regarding the crimes against humanity of the past.

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