Crime pt 12

Crime, the stain of the Negro and the surface reason white folk claim they don’t want you in their neighborhoods or our children going to their schools in too great a number. And now in the wake of George Floyd and BLM we walked right out and gave White folk the very bailiwick with which to hurl insults at us and make insinuations about our competence and even intelligence.

Imagine our country assed Republican Governor Kemp lecturing urban Atlanta about its ‘crime problem’? And his logic that it’s because not only has the anti-police atmosphere created by BLM taken over the Black professional classes but of course the rabble, the lower socio-economic classes about whom no one really cared in the first place.

But the fact the Black professional classes and the Negro professional intelligentsia made BLM and somewhat indirectly (CRT) take on a ‘kind of normalcy’. It is as though that is what all Black people of good cheer are supposed to think, defacto. It’s all that baggage that messed up Naomi Osaka’s career. Her wearing a BLM band aid, t-shirt and wristband was cute until she had to sit in a press conference with journalists with PHD’s in history, ‘English’, philosophy, economics and journalism answering questions about Black Lives Matter’s Philosophy and Aims.

It got so absurdly popular in contemporary popular Negro culture to be woke, which of course was identified with the BLM movement that it took itself to the point of absurdity. The fundamental problem became, “to the extent that Black people argue that Institutional, political, economic and cultural Racism have so infected mainstream institutions that said mainstream institutions (police, government, military etc) are automatically and inherently against us, consistently and is hopelessly racist and represents a daily represent EXISTENTIAL THREAT to Black people is absurd in the context of a Black on Black crime wave of proportions to make any sane society question itself not the institutions surrounding it.

Thus in the middle of a ‘nigger crime wave’ Bottoms wanted to turn the City Jail into a community rec center. At the same time Fulton County’s case load was overflowing, backlogged and 10,000 deep; like ‘Weezie’ and ‘Helen’ in the Jefferson’s television show Lance-Bottoms wanted to create a ‘Help Center’… the middle of a Black on Black crime wave.

Bottoms new bureaucracy is the ‘help Center’? Communities with strong families, strong businesses, strong faith and religious institutions help people help themselves not creating a new government program, budget, building, staff and bureaucracy. That is my central problem as well (and there are many others) with Kaseem.

This nigga really thought that his government ‘help centers’ and ‘rec centers’ for kids would reduce crime during his tenure as Mayor of Atlanta and in his failed run for re-election. Strong families and strong parental bonds reduce crime and keep kids out of the streets. A child with a strong father, mother, aunt, uncle and extended family network does not need a gang whether the government sponsors programs and institutions or not and any nigga that encourages Black people to depend upon government bureaucracies and programs is a fucking idiot, even if he is my idiot choice of the November Mayoral election in Atlanta. Kaseem didn’t understand that and neither does Dickens. There is no 100% government solution.

We need to stop just talking about getting somebody to help and be about ‘helping’ niggerdom. We need the Lord, we need strong families to push education and professionalism, commerce and industry. Not talk about it but be about it. Not pontificate on it but walk on it, not expect somebody to give it to you but be it. And where I’m angry enough to be ripping like this (which is not my usual habit), we middle class and slightly older generations need to quit acting like we looking to young people, i.e. the BLM crowd to fix things and be this generation’s ‘deliverers’. If they ever were that then they lost it through malfeasance, mismanagement and making themselves irrelevant by hollering about BLM in the middle of a Black on Black crime wave. Thus apparently, they are more concerned with trying to make BLM (matter) to everybody but Black people who apparently are still content to go on killing each other in the streets everyday and have not realized that BLM.

BLM wasted all of that international good will in the wake of George Floyd and went out and made themselves completely irrelevant; some by embezzling money and worse some by not having the courage or the intellectual aptitude to question the logic of arguing the police and systemic racism are the biggest threats to the quality of life in African American communities… the middle of a Black on Black Crime wave……

I could agree, however with a little categorical evasions, sophistry and bizarre rationalizations that it is the case that White institutional, cultural, economic and law enforcement racism are the biggest threats to African Americans, but to compare it to an existential threat or the wanton death and destruction that is happening in Black communities in Atlanta, Detroit, LA, Chicago, etc that is ridiculous. In African American communities, Black on Black crime is at absurd levels and White folk are taking advantage of that. The BLM crew is completely undermining its own position. Bottoms and all the other traditional leadership was on the BLM bandwagon and hollered about ‘defunding the police’, now in the middle of this Black on black crime wave no sane politician Black, brown or White is running around hollering about defund the police.

In taking up such a childish ignorant position we further erode our position (that the white mainstream institutional racist system is an existential threat to Black lives) when we look to the very same ‘system’ (institutionally racist) for justice when we niggers kill each other everyday. We look to the same system BLM called racist and not worthy to get out of the street when they ask you to protest on the side walk instead of the street for justice when we niggers kill each other. The families want justice and they do not want it from the NOI, Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, Al Sharpton, the Urban league, Benjamin Crump or Bob Marley’s and Johnny Cochnran’s estates. They want it from the White mainstream government we inherited whether the faces are Black or white or Asian or Afro-Caribbean. The very same system the Black Lives Matter crew is saying is inherently corrupt. Apparently the families of the Black on Black slain don’t think it’s inherently corrupt.

That’s how we niggers end up with George Floyd’s family quite content to go into virtual silence (except fundraising) because they met with President Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House and got paid. Like any good common nondisclosure agreement the injured party can’t rally and rail against a system when there is a tacit agreement and money in hand. So the Floyd family says that they (we) are satisfied that Biden and Harris as representatives of the Federal government met with us and like Dave Chappelle famous refrain from his television show, “I’m rich bitch!”

But the absurdities do not stop there in the illogic of the logic of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Guess who the parents of the little Black girl that got shot in the Wendy’s parking lot in SE Atlanta off University where Rashard Brooks was killed by police are suing and blaming for the fact that the little girl was tragically shot…..Keisha Lance Bottoms and the Police for the fact some Negro males with no shirts on and bandanas and AK 47’s was allowed by said defendants in an actual case to patrol and be security. Thus these niggas had the tacit approval of the City of Atlanta Mayor Bottoms and the Police Department because of course……Black Lives Matter…….or do they really when the mayor and the APD tacitly approved Ak-47 native security forces like we are in a Third world country (yes I said it); where the AK47 and machete wielding natives have set up their own roadblocks and shot up a car with a little child in it for breaching their security perimeter. Shit could have been a scene out of Haiti! All because Kesha told the Atlanta City police to “stand down”. So the family is suing the City of Atlanta and Kesha. No wonder Keisha quit on us and refused to take a 2nd term to fix her mess before White folk and foreigners from other regions of America have so weakened us that they can through gentrification take Atlanta from us.

But the absurdities don’t stop there. have you ever noticed how silent Sharpton is on Black on Black crime unless he’s blaming it on 400 years of White racism and oppression. Ever note how Obama has a big birthday party with stars and celebrity guests and entertainers and the crème de la crème of the Black celebrity world but meanwhile in Chicago, his home town where he parlayed being a community organizer into being President of the United States 40 niggas can get killed in that weekend by Black hands and he nor any of his friends even mention it?

Ever notice Stacy Abrams ain’t got shit to say about Black on Black crime? But she loves prancing around telling White people what the fuck is wrong with them. When she should have been out there defending the voting rights she deservedly got credit for expanding and harnessing she was on her book tour.

I used to wonder why Republicans never attacked her books, her romance novels or used them as a method of undermining her character. I came up with 2 reasons why Republicans and Conservatives never mention her books. #1 they are so mediocre they are not only not worthy reading but actually say nothing about their author or anything else. Which means Stacy writes formulaic Romance novels.

I am not disrespecting and I am certainly not raising the issue of her sexuality to argue that it matters. The one area however I think it does matter is for a ‘Romance Novelist’. Is there a picture of Stacy with a man? Has she ever had a man? Has she ever been engaged or been in a ‘world wind romance’? Is she dating someone now? Is there even a prom picture….her latest date? But she is a Romance novelist? Really? Interesting. And therein lies the reason Republicans don’t pay her bullshit any attention at all in terms of mining her fiction for reality……precisely because her reality is a fiction….to her it was as if she wrote it….and put it in her novel.

When I write about my time in the streets hustling, my time in seminary and mainstream denominational ministry muthafucka I’m telling you what I know and saw with my own eyes. When I tell you the little kids came to me (local dope boy dummy) when they missed the bus, when they needed lunch money, when mama or daddy was on a binge and hasn’t been home in two days can you take us to McDonalds. That feeling I got, like baby I shouldn’t be helping you, you shouldn’t need my help, it’s not good for me to help you is a conflict I still wrestle with when I wonder what ever happen to those kids. The li’l boys that watched me and my friends hustle, carry guns and count money. As I look back on it, what hurts is that most of those kids were bright eyed and smart, they were just living in an environment that didn’t demand much of them….because it didn’t expect much of them. We were all trapped in that situation, myself included. By the time I had my felony my family, community etc, didn’t think much of me and certainly didn’t expect much of me and instead of rising to meet the challenge I sunk down to the level around me.

And now Stacy is on book tours and talking with talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, the Colbert show, trading witty jabs with Colbert. The very same thing happened to Kecia but one thing at a time.

The revolution in voting Stacy Abrams wrought on behalf of John Ossoff, on behalf of Raphael Warnock and on behalf of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden was undermined in less than 2 years! Nearly completely undermined! The Republicans are all to happy to tell you she was on a book tour and media tour to be Vice President the whole time she could have been defending Negro Voting rights. Furthermore she is learning from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ 57% disapproval rating that being a leader isn’t what you can put on a muthafuckin resume.

At the very least she could have passed the time between her run for governor, her operations on behalf of the liberal Democratic machine and Ossoff, Warnock, Harris and Biden taking marginalized Black people to the DMV and Social Security office to get ID’s (A fundamental of Citizenship). But why do that when you can blame the White man for the fact grown ass people don’t have a valid I.D or address!

You can’t make this level of incompetence up! And I’m angry, resentful and sick of humoring niggas. The same Niggas like Fred Blankenship who knows all the 80’s and 90’s hip-hop and R&B classics; and wistfully and ruefully talks of the latest murders in SW, SE and NW Atlanta but then goes home to Alpharetta to his White wife and mulatto children; comfortably ensconced in their white neighborhoods, schools and social set.

But me and all Atlanta Niggerdom is supposed to feel like his presence represents some kind of success and victory for us. ‘The devil is a lie’, don’t let him lie to you! That’s one reason I miss Jovita. Long time member of a SW Atlanta Black Church and Community and lived around the corner at one point form my cousin in an upscale African American neighborhood.

Fred Blankenship’s girls are like Sasha and Malia if you know what I mean. That is to say, through no fault of their own, they only date white dudes. Preppy rich white dudes. Well, if that’s all your parents expose you to and have you around it is no fault of yours that you love White men. I always make the argument proximity is a much stronger romantic advocate for itself that distance.

Sasha and Malia chose from the predominance of the people they were around so I’m not blaming them or implying they need to make different choices. Even Mike Tyson ran into the same problem, which I think is instructive in this issue….as in it transcends presumed intellectual levels.

I wouldn’t want to anger the champ or anybody else these days but in a Facebook or Twitterpost or the Social Media like he mentioned that his child was not interested in dating Black people. They liked White people and Latinos and argued that’s just what they like.

Ladies and gentlemen this is worse than White people not thinking much of us. That the skin tone still divides, I can’t get 10 nigga males to talk bad about Vanessa Bryant, Kobe’s wife. All his money is going to the Hispanic community and their Catholic churches. Not a bit of it is going to nigga shit. All Michael Strahan’s money is going to White women, his money is just enriching her culture. You know damn well she doesn’t go to Black church, isn’t in a Black sorority and has only driven through Black communities all her muthafuckin life.

Kanye, O Kanye; how you betrayed us all Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. And yet you sell records. I wonder who is buying them. That is to say…..who is buying that you’re a world class musician the best since Bach, Beethoven and anybody else, who is buying that you’re a preacher akin to some kind of prophet….Who is idiotic enough to buy that Donald Trump was your real friend and buddy and then you ran against him as a presidential candidate? Who is buying that you (if no one else) actually thinks you could help American politics, culture and society. You’re a sign of it’s dysfunction and dystopia not a sign of health. America needs you….and your skillset? The devil is a liar…..

Kanye, who is buying that your love for KK (only one letter short gents) was sincere and real now that you walked right out of that door and went looking for another White woman. That ‘relationship’ only lasted a few months and is just proof of your poor decision making and a slick kind of self absorption.

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