Naomi Osaka unofficial Revanchist (from someone who cares)
Jesus didn’t advertise, didn’t buy billboards in the next town. He didn’t advertise ‘it’ because he was ‘it’, when you are ‘it’ you don’t have to advertise, presumably. Come on brothers, when you go out to the basketball court, you can tell whether or not somebody got game by how they dribble, not what comes out of their mouths. Fellow tennis players, when you see a ninja serve you pretty much know what you’re going to be getting. It’s an old anecdote because it’s been true a long time, ‘if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck. When you’re the real you, you don’t have to advertise; you walk in a confidence and charisma.
Maria Callas; and I wish I could tell Naomi to study female opera singers before she goes to her therapist and starts taking antidepressants to deal with her depressions because of her anxiety regarding press conferences. Naomi you are a Diva of the tennis court, walk in it. Never could the critics (if not the public) ever do what Naomi has already done and she should never feel ashamed of herself of how she has reached such heights. A real artist, in an effort to dispense with the word ‘Diva’ for a moment could never get depressed by the critics and even the public. Even if you were depressed pride would not let you tell it and the idea that you give your enemies leverage over you by acknowledging that their criticisms mean shit to you, nigga please. Study some of that Black female slang along with Maria Callas, Leontyne Price, Jessye Norman, Martina Arroyo, Grace Bumbry and our own Atlanta native Mattiwilda Dobbs of the famous clan that produced the first Black Mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson. Study famous Black female disses and slangs. Some of my favorites are of course, ‘nigga please’, ‘niggas being trifling’, quick to call something or somebody ‘nasty’ as in both physically and emotionally repulsive etc. “Black women don’t play with grown people children” (I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that one). In my favorite Maria Callas interview a French reporter asks her why she has a reputation for being difficult to work with. She immediately loses the warm and gracious look on her face and says
“I don’t appreciate being told what to do, I know what to do and I do it well.”
In essence she was saying I am eager to collaborate and be influenced by other artists and situations but I will not be dictated to! She had worked too hard, paid too many dues (sometimes more than once) to be dictated to by people who don’t love you or the ones that do! Naomi you do tennis art and you’ve done well enough to absorb and reflect the influences you want to for whatever reason you want. Let your art flower in a way that pleases you…..before you burn out!
Yes, burn out, which my Afrocentric illuminati loving friends would love because they would view it as the White power structure elites didn’t want the sisters to take over tennis and gymnastics at the same time (Simone Biles). So the White mainstream power structure with the intent of taking talented and exceptional Black women out of these fields once dominated by White women, got to get them out of the picture and the illuminati being too smart to again do it like they got left eye and aaliyah and Kanye mama have taken to playing mind games on Black people to get them out the game. Please take all of that as a joke relating to the prevalent interest in illuminati mythology and for God’s sakes if the illuminati is real, I didn’t know cause I wouldn’t have joked about it at all so you don’t have anything to worry about from me.
My problem however is I could actually fall for that kind of narrative and shitty logic myself without the illuminati. My personal experience has been that many of these White folks aren’t exactly pleased to see gymnastics and tennis dominated by a current crop of Black female tennis players in Serena and Simone Biles that have a literal claims on the proposition of being the GOATS of gymnastics and tennis. Things White people to some extent invented and dominated as long as they possibly could. While there is one Simone Biles (as a successful Black woman in gymnastics at the elite level), Serena is followed by her sister Venus at the elite level, Naomi Osaki and Cocoa Gauff. Like Goodie Mob said, “it’s too many niggas inside” and like Public Enemy said as well, “too Black, too strong”…..and bringing way to much ‘noise’…and now ‘we’ White folks got to put them in their places; basically with the ‘we White people can’t understand Black anger and resentment’ from successful Black people angle. Now we will begin to get into Naomi’s contribution to her own problems.
Some of these problems ladies and gentlemen, Naomi brought on herself. You’re 23 years old and played tennis and worked out 3 to 6 hours a day for most of your young life. Wisdom is not only facts, it is nuanced and ephemeral quite often. That takes age and maturity to realize. So when she’s playing in tennis matches all over the world with George Floyd, Rashard Brooks, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castille and Eric Garner T-shirts on and BLM Band-Aids and paraphernalia, to a 19-20 year old just post-pubescent young lady who hasn’t read near as many books about history (African or otherwise) as she has played tennis is thinking this is the latest ‘fad’ except that it’s Black; like friendship bracelets, pet rocks, WWJD, the Mandalorian or Hamilton, it’s the latest thing.
But to the White mainstream political class and media in America and places like France, Britain and Australia with large numbers of Brown minorities in their societies and captivated by the issue of race, as their own niggas started protesting in the wake of the deaths of the above mentioned well T-shirted names, themes and memes; now Naomi is being held in an hour long Q&A expected to understand the entire sweep of American racial history and be able to say something intelligent on it but not offensive….to walk that line, to not offend Blacks and be supportive; but not offend the white folk that pay her check and the feed the machine that gives her the opportunities she has. No wonder she feels like it’s driving her crazy! It’s damn near an impossible task for a 50 year old let alone a 23 year old. So now a 23 year old that played tennis for 6 to 8 hours a day is automatically supposed to have the knowledge and wisdom to speak on issues that have perplexed contemporary American societies since the Civil War. And are not we all in America trying to walk some line. White folk claim they feel like they can’t talk freely because everything they tend to say about personality responsibility for instance is racist. While Blacks, safely ensconced in the systemic racism argument never really venture much out the box to argue what our responsibility for our ‘condition’ really is within the context of American political history. Is it all the government and White mainstream’s responsibility; unless we feel like making it our responsibility or is some it our responsibility in general. Walking these lines and everybody is uncomfortable and quite frankly it is driving everyone in America crazy. That is why we are beating the shit out of each other and criminalizing and victimizing each other parking lots and neighborhoods all over America. Two teenagers 14-16 tried to rob the AppleStore in Lenox Mall just the other day and shot and injured multiple people; over some got damn cell phones. Everybody is crazy and like Naomi and needs to take mental health breaks from life. Or that that is even possible. WTF kind of world is this we are creating where everybody is overwhelmed and crazy and either on medication or on a mental health break….from life!
So when Naomi’s playing with George Floyd, Rashard Brooks, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castille and BLM Band-Aids and T-shirts on it’s a fad and popular thing and not a whole lot of thought went into it other than the option as a fashion choice. But to the White media elite (and the illuminati for my conspiracy theory friends), that oftentimes understands the grand sweep of history better than a 23 year of woman; now she’s responsible for feeling some type of way because the leader of ‘Black Lives Matter’ resigned amidst an investigation as to how she purchased 3.2 million dollars worth of real estate all over the United States. Or they ask her how she feels about the albino Black Lives Matter dude here in Atlanta that got brought up on fraud charges. In an hour or so long press conference now she is supposed to be responsible for answering all those questions on behalf of BLM and Black people in general and that is a lot of pressure. Too much pressure for a 23 year old that has spend the majority of her life playing tennis and working out 5 to 8 hours a day; not reading books or listening to lectures on psychology, politics, sociology, post-Civil Rights era American race relations and world history….to be able to even halfway think to say something intelligent…….and then even the smartest people like Obama et al pride themselves on being so evasive it’s hard to nail them down on believing anything. But for Naomi all of these smart people with degrees in journalism, history, psychology, literature and sociology are trying to nail you down to say something “newsworthy”, a “juicy quote”, et al.
A 23 year old young woman that has spent 8-10 hours a day playing tennis and working out is expected to understand and have full knowledge of the strategies and tactical successes and (perhaps most importantly in the heat of a hostile Q&A session) failures of ‘Black Lives Matter’ and how she feels about “Black on Black crime”? All of this the international press expects her to have an answer for and they will hold her accountable for having an answer and they will see any evasiveness on her part as (Black female) angst, anger, resentment, sourness, and petulance. Is she Atlas, except with the weight of the Black world on her shoulders? The fact that she needs a mental health break doesn’t surprise at all in other ways that have racial and cultural implications. The Japanese are very sensitive people; which should never be interpreted as weakness or lack of initiative as Pear Harbor and WW II prove.
That being said, of course she is depressed with all of that pressure on her shoulders. There is the pressure from Black people and the implications of African American/White race relations. But she has her own baggage from her Japanese side as well. When she started winning the Japanese did it like they did the other mixed young lady with part African or African American heritage that won Miss World. Your Japanese kinfolk don’t give a shit and hardly would suffer themselves to publicly acknowledge you represent them….that is….until you start winning and White people and White mainstream culture thinks you’re the shit as a mixed heritage Japanese/African American; then your Japanese kinfolk take interest in your career and admit that you Naomi represent them and they are….never looking in your eyes…’proud’ of you Naomi.
Depressed! Of course! I would imagine she would be depressed if she had to face questions about the political and law enforcement implications of recent spikes in ‘Black on Black crime’ and American and European racism in general. Consider however that no little White tennis player Jewish or not will be asked how she feels about the Arab/Israeli conflict and can it be solved or how she feels about Donald Trump or if she feels some type of way because her arena entry music was ‘Killing an Arab’ by the British post-punk bad ‘The Cure’.
But it’s open season on li’l Black girls, who are always perceived to be ‘way ahead of their time in puberty terms and street smarts’ and cannot have an extended period of innocence like little White girls. I think there is actually data that shows Black girls are viewed as less feminine, less worthy of a kind of pampering. They are nearly always assumed to be older, stronger and more aggressive; the more aggressive is the part that quite often unfortunately justifies Black women being written off and getting less than she actually deserves. This is why I understand love and all that but for Black men rich or not to objectify White women, women light enough to pass and Latino and Asian women I will always call out and always object too in an accidental way or on purpose.
News Flash
Simone Biles has now dropped out of the 2021 Tokyo Olympic citing of course the same reasons sister Naomi dropped out of Wimbledon…..mental health issues and the pressure (7-27-21). And I argue for the exact same reasons…carrying 2 different races (countries) that didn’t carry you and the pressure generated from that. ‘Do fa self Black athlete’. **(But wait I’m an athlete not a stateman….and therein lies the rub for Negritude)** What if ‘niggerdom’ didn’t spread it’s talent all around the world to the highest bidder in Olympic sports and professional soccer in Europe (for instance) but used their talents for a Niggerdom team? It wouldn’t pay as much but it might be better for the athletes mental health.
Add to this the fact that Coco Gauff got Coronavirus and is out. Ain’t that some nigga shit perfectly in line with everybody talking about how the virus has disproportionately affected the ‘Black n Brown’ communities. Can’t they have a ‘Corona Only’ Olympics somewhere? It would only be as fair as the Paralympics, the gay Olympics, the obese only Olympics (advertised to the world for the ability to watch athletes die from heart attacks).
Sha’Cari Richardson, aka the Negroid Olympic sprinter that tested positive for ‘weed’ got put out. If she were from a ninja country that never would have happened because no self respecting Black African, Caribbean, etc., would discriminate against Bob Marley’s people and the fact Jamaican Sprinters have been setting the world on fire for generations. Let’s face it, using or being around ‘weed’ surely hasn’t hurt their performance and to the extent that it ‘enhanced’ their performance……I doubt it. I want to do a lot of things ‘drunk n high’ but go on an intense training regimen is not one of them. It’s like getting super drunk and high and interacting with the police, it’s not only not a good idea, but it’s going to be a waste of a fucking high! Whether she smoked weed or not to deal with emotions revolving around her mother’s death, it certainly isn’t inconceivable is it? Talking for a friend (wink, wink, nod, nod) I’ve gone on benders revolving around issues as diverse as lost loved ones (death and otherwise), lost jobs, financial insolvency, divorce, unplanned significant expenses and you guessed it…….”I just had a bad muthafuckin day and needed to relax”. That being said even though it wasn’t during the Olympics, Michael Phelps got caught with an $800 German Bong I am told. Even if it would have happened during the Olympics he shouldn’t have gotten put out if for no other reasons than apparently many or most of his competitors could have really used any retardant factor on Michael Phelps lung power and oxygen to muscle strength ratio. Do your muscles feel like you can win an Olympic elite level race when your eye’s droop like your half asleep, you’re spaced out and think everything is funny…..yeah right, put that guy in the marksmanship contest with the red droopy eyes that look like he can’t focus who starts dancing to the rhythm of his competitors gunshot blasts.
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